JSC "THEM "Zerde" and JSC "NIT" presented the results of the survey of the IT landscape of state bodies

The National Infocommunication Holding "Zerde" and JSC "National Information Technologies" presented the results of a report on the survey of information and communication infrastructure and informatization facilities of the "electronic government".

The event was attended by the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry Bagdat Musin, Chairman of the Board of JSC "NIE "Zerde" Arman Abdrasilov, Chairman of the Board of JSC "NIT" Rostislav Konyashkin.

Speaking with a welcoming speech, Bagdat Musin noted that the Ministry ordered a survey from JSC "IMI "Zerde" and JSC "NIT" with state funds, therefore it is important that the detailed result of the survey be publicly available to the general public, the expert community and participants of the IT market. According to the minister, based on the results of the survey, it is necessary to work closely with the IT market and determine a clear course for digital transformation.

At the same time, Bagdat Musin stressed that digital transformation is not only the optimization of technological processes, but also a change in the paradigm of thinking among civil servants. This year, ICRIAP plans to train 2,000 civil servants in digital skills.

Jonas Stankevicius, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of JSC "NI "Zerde", presented the results of the survey of the information and communication infrastructure and informatization facilities of the "electronic government". According to the survey data, 572 information systems were identified in 26 central state bodies, 17 local executive bodies, and 22 quasi-public sector entities. Moreover, not all process groups are automated, and more than 50% of information systems have duplicate functionality. Based on the results of the survey, a list of 178 information systems to be written off was formed, of which: 107 in central state bodies and 71 in local executive bodies

Rostislav Konyashkin, Chairman of the Management Board of NIT JSC, presented a report on the survey of the current infrastructure and technologies of the electronic government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The survey included measures to analyze the fields of databases of information systems of state bodies, the telecommunications infrastructure of the unified transport environment of state bodies (ETS GO), the processes of implementation of public services of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the state of cybersecurity of departments of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

For example, at the moment, there are problems with poor data quality in the systems of state agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and based on the analysis, their main causes have been identified. So, the same data have different abbreviations and formulations of the same object (for example, place of residence, registration address, etc.).

Metadata was analyzed in 128 databases of 32 state agencies, including about 80 thousand tables and about 1 million fields in databases of information systems of state agencies.

Based on the results of the work, not only the actual structure of the databases of state agencies has been collected and recreated, but also the data catalog of state data for metadata management has been unified and filled in.

According to Rostislav Konyashkin, the conclusions and recommendations in all areas of the survey will allow to modernize the e-government system when switching to a platform model.

It should be noted that consulting companies, Kazakhstani IT experts and market participants were involved in the survey. In addition, a detailed report of the survey will be published on the official resources of JSC "NI "Zerde" and JSC "NIT" by the end of February 2022.


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