Astana Hub and EPAM Kazakhstan signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the IT HR Community project
In November, Astana Hub hosted a business breakfast, which marked the launch of a joint project of Astana Hub and EPAM Kazakhstan - IT HR Community, an open platform for offline and online meetings of experts and specialists in the field of personnel management. A Memorandum between Astana Hub and EPAM Kazakhstan was signed as part of the event.

Astana Hub presented the current HR processes of its company, the HR IT Community landing page, and a strategic plan for project development.
The event was attended by HR specialists from IT companies, who asked their colleagues questions and discussed current industry issues and topics of future meetings.
One of the events for discussion was a joint event for investors, corporations, and startups organized by Innopolis SEZ, Astana Hub, and - Invest Day SEZ Innopolis.
"The main mission of the IT HR Community is to increase the efficiency of the human capital of the participants and partners of the Astana Hub. People are the main component of the success of any business. No matter how ambitious the business idea for a new project is, you can't implement it without a team. We believe that our project will help startups and companies create their dream team", - Dania Akhmetova, director of the executive office of the Astana Hub, said.
A representative of EPAM Kazakhstan, a project partner and a member of the Astana Hub technopark, told the audience about educational projects, company training, and opportunities for the growth and development of employees.
"The goal of our company in this project is to share experiences. We want to develop ourselves, to help communities grow with our extensive experience in educating employees and building company processes. It is a natural process: if each participant develops, so does the entire industry. This is what we see as the strategic goal of this project", - Denis Posselyonnyy, head of the HR team at EPAM Kazakhstan, noted.
It is worth recalling the project aims to develop networking, experience exchange, HR events, training programs, master classes, speed recruiting, etc. Its goal is to improve the efficiency of personnel management of the Astana Hub participants and contribute to the achievement of exports of IT services in Kazakhstan worth $500 million by 2025.
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