Astana Hub Launches Free Course on Using ChatGPT

Astana Hub is excited to announce the launch of a free online course on artificial intelligence, specifically focused on utilizing ChatGPT. Developed in partnership with Lerna, this course is designed for anyone looking to boost productivity, automate routine tasks, and enhance their understanding of neural networks in both business and everyday life.

The "AI Basics: ChatGPT" course comprises four modules and 51 video lessons, all available for free on the Skillbox educational platform. The lessons are recorded in Kazakh and Russian, making them accessible to a broad audience in Kazakhstan. To enroll, participants can simply register on the Astana Hub platform or through the technopark's mobile application.

The course covers various aspects of using ChatGPT, including:

  • An introduction to neural networks, including their capabilities and limitations.
  • Techniques for formulating effective queries to obtain accurate and useful results.
  • Strategies for using ChatGPT to automate routine tasks in both work and personal contexts.

During the training, users will:

  • Gain foundational knowledge of working with neural networks.
  • Learn how to craft queries (prompts) to achieve desired results.
  • Apply their skills to tackle everyday and professional challenges, such as content creation, coding, marketing, and more.

This online course, "AI Basics: ChatGPT," is part of a larger initiative known as AI Movement, aimed at advancing artificial intelligence in Kazakhstan. As noted in his State of the Nation Address, the Head of State emphasized that "Kazakhstan should become a country where artificial intelligence is widely used and digital technologies are developing."

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Почему нет сертификата?


Я прошел эти курсы. Они очень интересны


хорошая возможность, спасибо!)


ниж МИД.Лучше языки Си учить


После курса появляется лучшее понимание о том, как работает ИИ и как эффективнее с ним общаться. Стоит пройти даже если используете chat gpt ежедневно 👍


Прошел эти курсы по ИИ для основания хорошей базы самое оно. Для дальнейшего улучшения навыка нужно инвестировать время и большое любопытство. Удачи в изучений.


Спасибо, вы молодцы!
