Astana Seeks Innovation: Launch of the New Astana Smart City Acceleration Program
The Akimat of Astana, in collaboration with Astana Hub and Astana Innovations, is excited to announce the launch of the Astana Smart City corporate accelerator. This program aims to introduce innovative startup projects focused on enhancing the urban environment, improving residents' quality of life, and addressing urban challenges through advanced technologies.

Astana Smart City encompasses a wide range of sectors, including healthcare, water management, landscaping, waste management, education, transport, and utilities. Projects from around the globe at the MVP stage and beyond are welcome to apply for participation until July 7 of this year.
The program aims to address several key challenges. First and foremost, startups are given a unique opportunity to pilot their innovative solutions in real urban conditions. Special emphasis is placed on the development of artificial intelligence technologies to optimize urban processes. Additionally, a crucial aspect of the program is to provide cutting-edge solutions that enhance urban infrastructure and services.
To support Astana Smart City participants, seed funding is available through the Seed Money program from Astana Hub. The 10 best projects will each receive up to 5 million tenge. This initiative is expected to bolster Astana’s status as an information technology hub, create opportunities for scaling and exporting developed solutions to international markets, enhance the city’s competitiveness, and contribute to the development of an innovative economy.
The selection process involves several stages: online applications, initial screening, interviews with experts, and a final selection of 20 startups. The program kicks off on August 5 and will be conducted offline over three months. During the training, participants will have access to industry experts, group seminars, and individual consultations. They will also engage in traction meetings with line trackers and receive weekly consultations with a lead tracker. Startups will have the opportunity to pilot their solutions in real institutions, allowing them to refine their IT solutions and adapt them to the needs of residents.
The final stage of the program will be Demo Day, where participants will present the results of their pilot projects to representatives of the Akimat and ecosystem experts. The best IT solutions will be selected for further implementation.
For more details about the Astana Smart City program and to apply for participation, please visit the platform.
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Inju Baltabekkyzy · Aug. 16, 2024 14:45
Іске сәт!
ТОО ASTROBAKERS · July 8, 2024 11:49
Nice and cool!!
pvcmasterastana pvcmasterastana01 · July 6, 2024 20:12
Астана хаб. Выбирает проекты на основании графического дизайна (презентации) где нет четких или начинающие модулю проектов. Голые идеи. И еще приоритет отдается только участникам площадки Астана хаб кто там что то делает. В этой ссылке на ютубе пример конкурса на грант. 1) практический молуль 2) независимое жюри 3) честная награда
Глеб Глебов · July 6, 2024 01:36
Отличный проект, подали заявку!
Ashim Nurislam · June 26, 2024 23:19
Ashim Nurislam · June 26, 2024 23:19
very good
Ashim Nurislam · June 26, 2024 23:19
very good
АО "Доступное Жилье" . · June 24, 2024 17:06
Эта программа Astana Smart City вдохновляет своим амбициозным подходом к развитию городской инфраструктуры через инновации. Уникальная возможность для стартапов пилотировать свои проекты в реальных условиях города и получить поддержку через Seed Money от Astana Hub демонстрирует готовность к проведению реальных изменений. Я уверен, что эта инициатива не только улучшит качество жизни жителей, но и подтолкнет город к новым высотам в области технологий и инноваций.
Компания BK Grace · June 22, 2024 16:00
Будет интересно увидеть, какие инновационные решения и IT-продукты будут представлены в рамках этой инициативы
Sabuhi Kazimzade · June 19, 2024 16:09
Very good👍
Arman Zhalgasbayev · June 10, 2024 00:12
Cool 👍