CEO of "BTS-Education" Sayasat Nurbek conducted training for the heads of law enforcement agencies of Kazakhstan

A training session titled "Atlas of professions of the future. Prospects of transformation of the Kazakhstan police".

A session titled "Atlas of Future Professions" was held at the IAB Executive Staff Training Department of the Almaty Police Academy named after M. Esbulatov. Prospects for Transforming the Kazakhstan Police". Sayasat Nurbek, General Director of "BTS-Education", the member of NNOD under the RK President, taught the deputy heads of departments, who will enter the personnel reserve of the President.

This training differed from the traditional ones in a number of features. Students were presented with an advanced tool for quality prediction in various industries, and analysis of major technological trends that will change the labor market. Also Sayasat Nurbek told what areas will actively develop, what new technologies, products, management practices will be born in them, and what are the prospects for transformation in the field of law enforcement.

In general, the session was extremely relevant in content, showed deep mutual interest of the participants and promoted learning of best practices.

Let's note, the training takes place within the limits of updating the format of educational activity of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to the assignment of the head of the state on transformation of law enforcement bodies.   The new format combines the preservation of the departmental focus of the content of educational programs and the introduction of an international educational model for the formation of law enforcement personnel and scientific practice. It is planned to conduct 12 modules in a wide range of areas: geopolitics, project management, work with personnel, psychological training, IT literacy and command-and-staff exercises. Course attendees should acquire competencies in management, administration, financial and legal literacy, project, crisis and HR-management, public speaking, communication skills, effective interaction with the media. Along with professional training, much attention will be paid to moral, ethical, communicative and psychological training.

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