TechnoWomen Forum: New Horizons of AI in Central Asia

On April 17-19, Astana hosts the international forum Technowomen Central Asia: AI Future, organized by the NGO TechnoWomen.

In his speech, Vice Minister of Digital Development, Innovation, and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Askar Zhambakin, emphasized the pivotal role of women in the IT sector and the significant contribution of AI to the global economy.

Today, the Ministry of Digital Development is fostering an ecosystem conducive to innovation.

"Astana Hub stands as our flagship for nurturing IT startups. Notably, 60% of Astana Hub's workforce comprises women. The center offers attractive incentives such as tax breaks, visa support, and other perks to attract and nurture IT talent from the region. Moreover, there is a continual increase in the number of women pursuing studies in the IT field," Vice Minister Zhambakin added.

For further details, please visit the website.

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