Kazakhstan's Startups Alaqan and Beksar: Success Stories from the Silkway Accelerator Program
In the 17th episode of the second season of the Hub Talks podcast, startups Alaqan and Beksar, participants of the Silkway Accelerator program, shared how they increased their monthly revenue and entered the foreign market in just three months.

The podcast featured Ayan Ispola, co-CEO of Alaqan, and Maksat Bektibayev, founder of Beksar, with Ashimbek Abilgazinov, Chief Manager of the Astana Hub Business Programs Office, as the moderator.
The guests discussed their achievements, the challenges they faced, and offered advice to future program participants.
Watch the Hub Talks podcast to discover how Kazakhstan's startups are reshaping the innovation market!
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Laura Meir · Nov. 22, 2024 12:19