The Ministry Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry and Google Take Stock of the Digital Transformation Partnership

At the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Digital Inclusion and Transformation held on 5 September, Zhaslan Madiyev, Kazakhstan’s Minister of Digital Development, Innovations, and Aerospace Industry and Olga Skorokhodova, Head of Government Affairs and Public Policy for the Caucasus and Central Asia region at Google, discussed the outcomes of the strategic partnership between the Ministry and the company aimed at accelerating Kazakhstan’s digital transformation.

“Our collaboration with Google opens new horizons for the development of Kazakhstan's digital economy. Together, we are creating platforms that not only modernize the country's infrastructure but also foster innovation and create jobs. I am confident that our joint efforts will help Kazakhstan take a leading position in digital transformation on the international stage," said Zhaslan Madiyev, Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan.

Ms Olga Skorokhodova outlined Google’s holistic approach to supporting Kazakhstan’s digital transformation, in line with the company's global strategy developed specifically for emerging markets. The key pillars of this global strategy include partnership with the government on cloud technology adoption, education and upskilling, modernization of national data systems, and fostering innovation-friendly regulation. She noted, “The strategic use of AI technologies can enable emerging markets to make significant progress in digital transformation and accelerate economic growth. We are looking forward to sprinting together with the Ministry and the Government of Kazakhstan towards an AI-enabled digital economy for the benefits of users and citizens of Kazakhstan.”

Key Achievements of the Partnership

As part of the strategic partnership between the company and the Ministry, the following key initiatives have been implemented in recent months:

Startup Support & Cloud adoption: In collaboration with the Astana Hub Silkway Accelerator, Google has accelerated more than 55 startups over the past two years. These startups have shown significant revenue growth and expanded their market reach, solidifying Kazakhstan’s status as a regional IT hub. In addition, the eligible Silkway Accelerator’s alumni enjoy the benefits of the  Google for Startups Cloud Program which helps drive Cloud adoption in the country.  

Education and Upskilling:

As a result of the IT Hub project, during the 2022-2023 academic year over 900 students from 11 leading Kazakhstani universities acquired advanced skills in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud technologies and Android Compose.

In addition, Google is heavily investing in nurturing the developers ecosystem. Google supports 17 Google Developers Group (GDG) clubs in major cities across Kazakhstan, bringing together developers of various levels to learn new skills and share experiences. Additionally, Google Developer Students Clubs operate in 14 leading universities in Kazakhstan, fostering the development of new talent.

Launch of New Services and Products

In 2024, Google introduced several new products and services in Kazakhstan:

Innovative AI Tools: Kazakhstan citizens enjoy access to the experimental AI chatbot Gemini and the Flood Hub, a tool that provides accurate flood forecasts up to seven days in advance, helping communities better prepare for potential natural disasters.

Street View on Google Maps: This feature is already positively impacting the development of the tourism industry and supporting small and medium-sized businesses by providing detailed and interactive views of various locations across Kazakhstan.

YouTube Premium launch: The introduction of YouTube Premium has generated significant interest among Kazakhstan citizens and residents, while also providing creators with new opportunities to monetize their content more effectively.

Following the discussions, the Ministry and the company agreed to continue their joint efforts and outlined key priorities for future cooperation, including improving the regulatory environment,  deepening the integration of AI and other advanced technologies into Kazakhstan’s digital infrastructure, which will contribute to the country’s further economic and social development.

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