Astana Hub and the Servercore cloud service provider launch a startup support program
In collaboration with Astana Hub, Servercore is offering a program to support the startups hosted at the hub. As part of the program, a 100,000 tenge bonus will be added to the Servercore control panel balance monthly throughout the first six months of cooperation between the tech park residents and the provider.

These bonus funds will allow Astana Hub residents to fully cover any service offered by the provider, including cloud or dedicated servers and platform services. Before they start working with the program participants, Servercore experts will provide a free consultation to assess the project scale and features and offer a suitable infrastructure solution for its specific type and load volume. If necessary, the provider's team will help with cloud migration and seamlessly move Astana Hub residents' projects, all free of charge.
"We are pleased to partner up with Astana Hub and delighted by the opportunity to support promising local startups by providing a solid IT foundation for their further development. In case the program participants' businesses grow manifold and start consuming cloud services more extensively within the first two months, we are ready to offer even more favorable terms on an individual basis", commented Sergey Bobko, regional development manager of Servercore in Kazakhstan.
In the future, Servercore is also considering the possibility of expanding the program to include tech companies that are not yet residents of Astana Hub.
Servercore is an international premium IT infrastructure provider with a local presence. Since 2021, Servercore has been assisting businesses in delivering services to users in countries experiencing significant technological growth, such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kenya.
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Daniil Bart · March 27, 2024 15:04
IT-Performance · March 5, 2024 18:24
Супер-супер, как раз-таки на данный момент испытываем финансовые трудности с некоторыми проектами, для которых необходимы GPU сервера. А аренда стоит немалых денег. Огромный респект!
Nur Uadid · Feb. 27, 2024 22:38
очень радует что в нашей стране хорошая поддержка для стартаперов!