Smart Parking has entered the global market under the new brand Parqoer

Smart Parking startup has entered the global market under the new brand Parqoer. Amirkhan Omarov— founder of the IT company Smart Parking Technologies, shared on his Facebook page.
Parqoer is a smart parking with a number recognition system. The technical solution of Parqoer recognizes state numbers with 99% accuracy, automatically calculates the cost of parking without coupons and operators, which increases passability and customer loyalty. Payment takes place through the parking meters of Parqoer, mobile payments or QR. The application integrates with applications and accounting systems of shopping, business centers and residential complexes. Smart parking uses artificial intelligence and computer vision technologies.
Smart parking Parqoer now operates in the USA, Russia and Ukraine.
Recall that all participants of the international technopark of IT startups Astana Hub receive tax preferences. Preferences exempt participants from paying taxes such as CPN, VAT, VAT on imports of goods, royalty tax, IPN and social tax for non-residents. Such a measure of state support allows IT companies to reinvest the saved funds in the development of their projects.
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