Startup SRC entered the top three finalists of the "Smart city" competition

A participant of the international technopark of IT start-ups Astana Hub, as well as a graduate of Techpreneurs acceleration, the start-up company IT SMART SOLUTIONS entered the top three of the Smart City Almaty competition and received a grant of 1,000,000 tenge!

As part of the Almaty Investment Forum 2021, the winners of the Smart City Awards were awarded, organized by the Centras group of companies. In total, 107 applications were received for the competition, of which 22 were in the direction of computer vision, 23 - internet of things, 17 - analytics, 45 - integrations.

20 teams made it to the semi-finals of the competition, 5 of which met in the final. 3 teams became the owners of grants:

  • 1st place - AItechLab (5 million tenge) - a project for face recognition from video surveillance cameras;
  • 2nd place - H3 (3 million tenge) - geoanalytics project;
  • 3rd place - IT SMART SOLUTIONS (1 million tenge) - a project to create a smart recirculator designed for air disinfection.

“SRC is a multifunctional air purification and ionization complex with remote access. Another feature of the startup is the basic BIOS system of domestic development. Flashing the BIOS by domestic programmers significantly increases the level of information security. We presented our solution at the IT Council of the Nur-Sultan City Akimat, which is being piloted at Special School No. 2 in the capital of Kazakhstan,” shared Dilyara Tulenova, CEO and co-founder of IT SMART SOLUTIONS.

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