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10 Signs of Successful Product Market-Fit Detection

1. Users are buzzing and telling you that your product is working better than expected (WOW effects).

2. Users get mad when you cut out the necessary unnecessary features. 

3. Users are evolving into an autonomous and viral community. In fact , into a full – fledged product 🤫

4. The product team does almost everything wrong and still somehow wins with hypotheses.

5. Salespeople have no idea why customers buy your product, but customers buy your product anyway.

6. You can quickly break through competitors by brute force. Or not to break through, but to watch them bury themselves.

7. Well-known industry players want to partner with your product. You choose the strongest. Or choose no one.

8. Your user engagement costs become less than the revenue from each client (CAC < LTV).

9. You no longer need to build a team, scale processes and blah blah blah. Instead, you solve asymmetric problems.

You see how your market is moving towards you on its own.

Harbinger of PMF – PUF

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Өте керекті ақпарат👍 Рахмет!
