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Another step towards quality training of competent IT specialists

Being convinced that fruitful cooperation between the School KazMBS Information Technology and M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University is an important contribution to the training of competent, competitive specialists in the field of information and telecommunication technologies, concluded An agreement on cooperation in educational programs at all levels of training (bachelor's, master's, PhD).

The agreement was concluded in order to ensure mutual support and active cooperation between the Parties in promoting and popularizing the educational and scientific community, as well as using the information, legal, scientific and organizational resources available to the Parties on the basis of partnership in planning and implementing joint activities within the framework of training and retraining of competent competitive specialists in the field of information and telecommunication technologies, including including joint development of educational programs, organization of internships, internships,  pre-emptive right in hiring graduates.

The objectives of the cooperation are:

- provision of consulting and expert assistance;

- promotion of joint work (development of joint educational programs, projects, training programs);

- organization by the School of courses, trainings, seminars, master classes for both University students and staff retraining;

- exchange of practical experience and knowledge in the field of information and telecommunication technologies and training of personnel for the Kazakh and international markets.

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