Auto-translation used

7,665,651 calls with a robot from EvoTech! If we decided to feed beshbarmak to everyone who received the call, we would need 10,000 horses or 153,000 sheep.

Imagine that every third resident of Kazakhstan dialed a number at a call center at the same time. Only without queues, overloads and tired operators and with an individual approach!

It would take up to 3,500 calls to be processed manually. operators per month or 100,000 operators per day! Instead, EvoTech products and solutions help businesses automate communications, reduce costs, increase efficiency, and handle any number of calls.

EvoTech Campaign Manager (EvoCM) offers omnichannel outgoing campaigns without queues and overloads, up to 95% recognition accuracy in Kazakh, Russian and mixed speech, analysis of complex situations to improve the quality of dialogues, recording calls and forming feedback questionnaires, and the ability to use your operator's voice for greater trust!

Contact EvoTech.   now and get a free consultation on the implementation of EvoCM.

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