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What is a VPN and why is it needed?

In the era of digitalization, the issue of personal data protection is becoming increasingly relevant. One of the most effective tools for ensuring privacy on the Internet is a VPN (Virtual Private Network), or virtual private network. In this post, we will figure out what a VPN is, how it works and why it is needed.

VPN is a technology that creates a secure, encrypted connection (the so—called "tunnel") between your device (computer, smartphone, tablet) and a remote server through which Internet access is provided. The data transmitted through this tunnel is encrypted, which makes it inaccessible to outsiders.

Initially, a VPN was used to securely connect company employees to corporate networks when they were working remotely. However, over time, the technology has become popular among ordinary users who want to protect themselves on the Internet.

When you connect to the Internet without a VPN, your traffic goes directly through your ISP, which can see which sites you visit and track your activity. Using a VPN changes this process:

  1. You are connecting to a VPN server.
  2. Your Internet traffic is encrypted and routed through a VPN server.
  3. The VPN server redirects your request to the desired website.
  4. The website "sees" not your real IP address, but the IP address of the VPN server.

Thus, a VPN hides your real IP address and location, making your internet connection more private and secure.

VPN solves many problems related to privacy and security on the network. Here are the main reasons why people use VPNs:

  1. Data protection in public Wi-Fi networks. Public Wi-Fi networks (for example, in cafes, airports, and hotels) are often insufficiently secured. Fraudsters can intercept data transmitted over such networks. A VPN encrypts your traffic, protecting personal data such as passwords and banking information from interception.
  2. Circumventing geographical restrictions. Some websites and services (for example, streaming platforms) restrict access to content based on the user's geolocation. Using a VPN allows you to bypass such restrictions by changing your virtual location.
  3. Increased privacy. Internet service providers can monitor your online activity and even share this information with third parties. A VPN hides your traffic and IP address, making your online activity anonymous.
  4. Access to blocked resources. In some countries, access to certain sites may be restricted. A VPN allows you to access such sites by connecting via a server in another country.
  5. Secure remote work. For companies, VPN is an important tool for ensuring the security of remote work of employees. With it, they can safely connect to corporate resources from anywhere in the world.
  • When you connect to a public Wi-Fi network.
  • If you want to hide your activity from your Internet provider.
  • To access content restricted by geographical barriers.
  • If you are in a country with strict Internet censorship.
  • For a secure remote connection to the corporate network.

VPN is a powerful tool for ensuring security and privacy on the Internet. It protects your data, helps to bypass blockages and keeps your online activity confidential. Regardless of whether you use the Internet for work or entertainment, a VPN is a great solution to protect your data.