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Digital Almaty

From 1 to 3 February 2024, the VI International Digital Forum: Digital Almaty 2024 was held in Almaty. Within the framework of the forum, Quest was developed as a series of interactive tasks, each of which is aimed at achieving specific interacting goals.

The Quest concept served as a prime example of how gamification can be integrated into events to increase participant engagement. The aim was not only to provide participants with knowledge about the latest trends in industrial technology, but also to stimulate networking, creative thinking and teamwork. 

The structure of the activities was divided into several blocks, each of which covered topics relevant to the modern digital economy and technological development:

Multiple Choice: Multiple choice quizzes were offered to participants to familiarize themselves with the forum program, startup terminology, products and activities of the quest sponsors Freedom Broker and Yandex Kazakhstan. We have prepared interesting facts about Kazakhstan for foreign guests.

Questions with Image: Tasks with images where participants had to identify technologies, equipment used in industrial processes and logos of companies whose stands were presented at the forum itself.

Scan QR: Use QR codes to explore all areas of the forum and attend panel sessions.

Text Field: Open-ended questions inviting participants to express their ideas or suggestions for improving the applications or the forum itself.

Each task in Quest has been carefully created in order not only to offer educational opportunities, but also to provide participants with an exciting experience. The interactivity of the tasks stimulated the participants to actively explore the forum, interact with each other and with the exhibitors, as well as share their impressions and ideas.

Quest at the forum demonstrates how well-structured and carefully thought-out game elements can transform an event, making it not only a platform for knowledge sharing, but also a place for skill development, networking and personal growth of participants. This approach allows you to achieve a deeper level of engagement and satisfaction from participating in the forum, emphasizing the importance of gamification in educational and professional contexts.

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