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Additional education for schoolchildren: top 30 online courses

Nowadays, in addition to traditional education at school, there are many opportunities for children to develop and study outside of educational institutions. This applies to additional education circles, which have become a popular and effective way to expand knowledge and skills.

However, with the advent of classes for children online, they now have the opportunity to study in circles right at home. Online platforms offer courses designed for different interests and age groups. 

One of the main advantages of such courses is accessibility and flexibility. Now the child does not need to waste time on the trip to the circle or adjust to the schedule. He can study in his own schedule, choosing a convenient time and place. This is especially important for busy children who are passionate not only about studying, but also participate in other extracurricular activities or are engaged in sports.

In addition, online courses offer a wide range of topics and specializations. Children can study various subjects such as programming, photography, art, foreign languages and much more. This allows them to broaden their horizons, develop interests and discover new areas of knowledge.

In today's material prepared by the Pixel online learning school, we will tell you about the TOP 30 online courses where children can learn programming, computer literacy, foreign languages, drawing, etc. The article will be divided into categories for easier search of the necessary information.

Computer courses for children

IT technologies have become firmly embedded in our lives. In order to develop in this environment, you need computer knowledge, the ability to program, create games, etc. If you want your child to get a sought-after profession in the IT field in the future, you need to think about what knowledge he can get right now. Below we will tell you about distance classes for children, with which they will learn to program.

Pixel School: programming for preschoolers and primary school children

If your child is interested in programming and you want him to start mastering this field under the guidance of professionals, we recommend contacting Pixel School. Here, children aged 6 to 9 years in an interactive form of learning will be able to get acquainted with the visual programming environments Scratch Junior and Kodu Game Lab.

Pixel School specialists will help your child master the basics of coding, understand the relationships between code blocks and create their first 2D and 3D games. Classes are conducted both remotely and offline in order to meet the needs and preferences of each child as much as possible.

If your child wants to study in a group, he can join group classes, communicate, collaborate and create projects in a team. If it is more comfortable for him to study on his own, Pixel has the opportunity to choose individual classes. This format helps to master the necessary skills faster, develop them and become a sought-after specialist in the future.

In addition, there is a great promotion for new Pixel School students. If you take a subscription for 12 classes at once, you will receive a 10% discount. Thus, you will be able to save money and provide your child with a long and high-quality programming training.

Don't miss the opportunity to give your child a chance to unlock their potential in programming. Contact the Pixel school, where the student will take online courses for children and will be able to find a promising IT profession in the future. In addition, after studying in the areas of Scratch Junior and Kodu Game Lab, you can send your child to learn more complex programming languages and platforms that are used to create programs, services, games and applications. For example, it can be a popular Python coding language, Unity development, or 3D modeling in the Blender program.

Link to the website:

Young Coder: online classes for schoolchildren

Here you can learn the basics of the C programming language. The course is suitable for children from 12 years old who have not studied coding before. In the remote format, the students will receive valuable practical skills that can be used for development in the field of programming. Classes are held remotely on an individual basis, but if a student has questions, he can ask them in the comments and get an answer from the course team and students. Lessons are held on the Stepik platform.

At the moment, the course contains 70 test tasks and 201 coding tasks. The lessons study: theory, practical tasks, additional materials and research tasks for hackers.

Link to the website: /

Credokids: Coding for kids

In Credo, you can start learning by taking a free introductory lesson. Classes in web design, Python, Scratch and Java programming languages are available on the platform. In CredoKids, you can start your journey in the world of IT technologies from the age of 7. The online programming course for children is hosted here on a special learning platform.

Students can study materials in an interactive form through video materials. The student's progress will be monitored by an experienced teacher who will support the young programmer throughout the training and monitor his progress.

Link to the website:

GeekBrains: online courses for children 10-12 years old

On the GeekBrains platform, children aged 10 to 12 can take an advanced course in animation. This course is perfect for those who want to create their own cartoon, revive their favorite character and expand their knowledge about the world of digital technologies.

A young intern will be able to create his own portfolio, which will consist of ten animation projects. This will be a confirmation of his achievements in this field. In addition, the platform provides an opportunity to study and work with 2D and 3D animation, which allows you to form a variety of skills and experience that will help develop in this industry in the future.

Link to the website:

Infohit: studying application development

Infohit is an aggregator of training courses, where you can find training in various areas and choose what is right for you.

A course from Skysmart is available on the website, which offers exciting classes on application development on Thunkable for children aged 8 to 14 years. Classes are available online on the website. You can find a lot of interesting information on the platform, for example, here you will learn how to build services and games using the Thunkable platform constructor.

Link to the website: /

Skillbox: educational courses for children online

Guys who have already studied artificial intelligence technologies, created their first bots and are familiar with this field can deepen their knowledge at this school. A distance learning course on the philosophy of artificial intelligence is available here.

It is important that the course was created in collaboration with MSU. After the training, students will have answers to key questions about the "thinking of computers", the influence of philosophy on the development of artificial intelligence, etc.

Link to the website:

Foreign language courses for children

In the modern world, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the English language. It is necessary for programmers, digital artists and all those who want to understand global processes more freely, especially in training. Therefore, below we will tell you about the courses where you can learn foreign languages at a young age.

Advance: Learning English

In this school, students from 5th to 7th grade are given the opportunity to significantly improve their skills in English in a remote format. The learning process is based on the use of game elements, word plates and the study of phrases using the associative method. Classes are held individually.

During this course, students direct their attention to memorizing 250 English words from everyday vocabulary. The main purpose of the classes is to help students learn English effectively and quickly and make progress in their studies.

Link to the website: /

IEC: online English courses for children

In this international educational center, children from 10 to 16 years old can learn English both online and offline. There are also 2 possible training formats: individual and in a group. The peculiarity of the school is that students will receive knowledge not only from Russian-speaking teachers, but also from teachers for whom English is their native language.

At the end of the course, a certificate is issued, which can be added to the portfolio and used for further development.

Link to the website: /

Novakid: English for schoolchildren

Novakid offers English language training for children aged 4 to 12 years. This online course for 7th grade and younger students is conducted by experienced teachers with certificates, and the training is based on gamification elements.

To begin with, you can try a free lesson to evaluate the approach to learning. The uniqueness of the course lies in the fact that classes are conducted without using their native language, which helps children to fully immerse themselves in the English environment and better understand it "from the inside". Parents can track their child's progress as all data is stored and accessed remotely.

Link to the website:

"Foxford": language learning for elementary school students

Foxford invites students of grades 2-4 to join the Chinese language course. Classes are held for 8 months in a distance format.

To master the program, you need to study only 2 times a week. The course is scheduled to start on September 13.

A free trial lesson is also available here to see if this course is suitable for a child. Game mechanics are actively used in teaching so that students learn information as quickly as possible.

Link to the website:

Skillbox: online courses for schoolchildren in a foreign language

Young children literally "absorb" information. That is why it is better to start studying popular directions from the age of 5. For example, in Skillbox, children from 5 to 10 years old can learn English, which is taught by a unique method. Classes are held online in small groups, which allows you to quickly immerse yourself in the language environment. And experienced teachers use songs, mnemonic cards, games and much more for teaching.

Link to the website:

Online courses in school subjects

Teachers at school do not always have enough time and energy to fully explain their subject. Therefore, additional classes will be a salvation for children who want to know geography, mathematics and other areas better. Below we will offer several courses that will help deepen the child's knowledge of school subjects.

"Umnasia": learning new things about geography

 In "Umnasia", children from 6 to 13 years old can get better acquainted with the most important places of the country, delve into the topic of geography and will be able to better understand this subject.

The training is conducted online in the format of games, stories and riddles. At the same time, training takes only 20 minutes a day. Thus, the child will be able to explore the world without even leaving home. At the end of the training, students receive a certificate of completion.

Link to the website:

"Axiom": preparing a child for school remotely

In Axiom, you can prepare a child for school, as well as deepen existing knowledge. The result of the training will not take long to wait, as an individual approach is used. With its help, you can improve your knowledge of mental arithmetic, English, as well as learn mnemonics, master speed reading, etc.

Link to the website: /#!/tab/470095501-1

Logiclike: learning logic

In this school, children can develop their logic and thinking, learn how to play chess, get acquainted with cybersecurity, etc. Classes are available for children of grades 1-2 in different directions. Also in Logiclike, students will learn to count, read, speak, distinguish shapes, etc.

Link to the website:

 Ekaterina Buneeva's Home Online Literacy School

Here, in a distance format, primary school students will be able to effectively master the Russian language program, improve reading and speaking skills. The lessons meet modern educational requirements, and the experience of the course creator makes them especially useful and effective for learning.

Link to the website: https://buneeva

Ihobby school: online drawing courses for children

Ihobby School teaches children from 5 years old, to whom experienced teachers open the limitless world of drawing. Now they can take a course for children aged 7-11 years "In the artist's workshop" — it consists of 4 classes, contains theoretical and practical knowledge and tasks. Other directions for the development of a child's creative potential are also available on the site. All this will help you get good grades in ISO at school.

Link to the website:

"Intellectual": studying natural science

In this school, students of grades 5-11 can learn more about natural science and the history of the formation of a view of modern sciences. Here, in an online format, the child learns about the theories of the origin of the Earth, the structure of the solar system, genetics, evolution and much more. Tasks are available in the form of notes and videos. The training is conducted on an individual basis.

Link to the website: /

"Systematics": online courses for schoolchildren in mathematics

Education here is available to children from grades 1 to 7. For 28 lessons in Olympiad mathematics, children will be taught to correctly count, calculate and solve equations, even if they initially had a poor command of this science. Classes are available in an online format, and at the end of the training a personal certificate is issued.

Link to the website: https://systematika .

TutorOnline: Studying biology

If your child wants to learn everything about biology faster, he can take lessons on TutorOnline on this topic. These are recordings of video lectures that are suitable for eliminating gaps in knowledge on the topic of biology for students of grades 5-11. The trial lesson can be completed for free.

Link to the website:

Synergy University: online classes for teenagers

Here future graduates can prepare for one of the main exams in a student's life — the Unified State Exam. High school students will be able to improve their knowledge of the Russian language, mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, etc. Classes are available both in full-time and online format. Also, as part of the training, various trainings will be held, for example, on team building and personal time management.

Link to the website:

Tetrica: learning Russian

In Tetrica, students can get their first lesson for free. Also, on the platform itself, experienced teachers will help prepare for the Unified State Exam and OGE, secondary school, and also teach you how to write final essays. Classes can be held online 1 on 1, in circles and mini-groups. At the same time, you can study Russian in depth, as it is considered one of the most difficult languages in the world, despite the fact that native speakers may not notice it.

Link to the website:

Arzamas: the History of Russian Culture

In "Arzamas" you can study the national culture from the Varangians to modern rock concerts. Historical events are divided into blocks, each of which may have several topics. You can purchase the course by subscription. The materials are available in various formats — photo, video, text and audio. Thus, you can quickly and interactively study the historical stages of the fatherland.

Link to the website:

Bank of Russia: studying financial literacy

Students of secondary and general educational organizations in a convenient online format can study financial literacy for free, learn about investing, insurance, savings and much more.

The educational process is based on lessons with gamification elements for better assimilation of the material. Webinars can be studied both individually and in a group. You can also ask questions to the lecturer in the chat.

Link to the website: /

Hobbies and hobbies

Educational online classes for children are very important, but do not forget about hobbies. Schoolchildren should do something interesting for them in addition to their main or additional studies.

Kreativity: school of creativity

On this platform, children from 6 years old can study decoupage in napkin technique in online format. In total, the training takes 23 online lessons, with the help of which the child will be able to develop his creativity and watchfulness.

Link to the website:

"Drawing at home": the best online drawing courses for schoolchildren

In "Draw at home" students from 6 to 9 years old will be able to delve into the topic of painting and the basics of drawing. Classes are available for both beginners and experienced artists. Also, experienced teachers will talk about composition, light, shadow and perspective. Lessons can be purchased as a block or in parts.

Link to the website:

"7 kings": distance learning of a child in a chess school

Children from 5 years old who are interested in the topic of chess are waiting here. The first lesson can be taken for free. The training is conducted remotely in groups of 4 or 6 people. It is also possible to start a group if there are 2 people. In addition, you can choose the format of individual classes.

Musicclasses: developing musically

In Musicclasses, students from 7 years old can develop their musicality in the following areas: vocals, piano, guitar, etc. Classes are available online, and lessons are conducted by active musicians.

Link to the website: /

"Bohemia": learning to draw in anime style

Here, students from the age of 8 can learn exactly how to draw anime-style characters. The direction is quite popular due to the spread of K-POP culture and anime-style TV series. As a result, the child will learn an interesting direction and become better at drawing.

Link to the website: /

Rebotica: The best online blogging course for kids

In Rebotica, children from 8 to 16 years old will be taught to maintain their personal page in social networks and on Youtube, will help to master blogging and understand how to develop in this area. Classes are held online and are accessible from anywhere in the world. As a result, the child will learn everything about the sought-after direction and will be able to master the trending profession.

Link to the website:

Lil School: Learning to draw simple shapes

In this school, students from 4 years old will be able to master 10 drawing lessons in a convenient online format. During the course, the guys will sort out simple shapes that are the basis of any drawing. They will learn how to draw dinosaurs, birds, cats, dogs, space, etc.

Link to the website: /


Coding courses, singing classes, drawing lessons, as well as online computer courses for children — all this is necessary for the harmonious development of a child. Any of these classes will help in the future to find a sought-after profession, develop a sense of beauty, learn to communicate, etc. Sign up for suitable courses so that the child knows what to pay attention to in order to develop their strengths.

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