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Top 15 web design courses for children 9-10 years old

Web designer is one of the most modern and most in—demand IT professions. Indeed, any organization, be it a factory, an educational institution or a private bakery, has its own website. It is to him that potential customers turn to get information about the company. To create, design and fill it, you need an Internet designer.

Someone might think that digital design is a hard science and "not for everyone". After all, you need not only to have an artistic taste, but also to understand the computer, and most importantly — to be able to program. At the same time, you can master the popular IT profession from the age of 9-10. At this age, young designers already have a sufficient level of observation, which is important for training. They are also already able to deal with graphic editors and concepts such as color and composition.

Today there are a huge number of graphic design courses for children. The Pixel School has prepared a selection of the best of them.

1. Immersion in the world of digital design together with the Pixel school

Age: 9-13 years

Format: online/in person

Individually or in a group: both options


Do you want your child to learn how to make a website layout, effectively design a landing page, understand fonts and the correct arrangement of graphic modules? You've come to the right place!

Here, the future online designer will be taught to choose a style for the brand and implement the most stunning ideas. He learns what a mudboard ("mood board") is, modular grids, an associative field, typography — and a lot of professional terms. He will study such special Internet programs as the Figma interface development platform and the Tilda block constructor. If you prefer the online format, the development of professional services for distance learning iSpring and Zoom will be a bonus.

As a result, the student will assemble a real one-page advertising site, as well as its mobile version. These projects will definitely decorate the portfolio of a student who has decided to connect his life with web design.

It is worth noting the system of passing the steps. The game form of presentation of the material, the principle of "from simple to complex", reliance on the interests of a young programmer — all this has a positive effect on the process. Graphic design classes for 10-year-olds last 90 minutes. There are 12 of them in total, and there are not boring homework.

For all manifestations of activity, the listener receives prizes, which is an additional incentive to achieve success. And moms and dads can monitor the achievements of the IT genius in their personal account, access to which is provided for the entire period of training.

2. YesCoding IT school: let's put the design on the shelves

Age: 10-17 years old

Format: online

Individually or in a group: in a mini-group


Frames, shapes, flaten, vector grids, text layers — so far all this seems incomprehensible and incredibly complex. But there will be 36 lessons, which is how much the online course assumes, and you will be able to easily operate with these concepts and apply them in practice.

Here you will learn how to design web sites, draw vector illustrations, use gradients and palettes correctly. In the final, novice developers will defend their IT project.

Let's add that the online marketplace has been on the market for 18 years. During this period, she graduated more than 30 thousand students. At the same time, its teachers do not stand still and constantly update methodological materials — to date, 4 thousand pages of manuals in various areas have been released.

3. Graphic design for children: Learning in GeekBrains

Age: 10-15 years

Format: online

Individually or in a group: in a group


Visualizer, layout designer, modeler, brand designer, motion designer, illustrator, UX/UI designer, visual communications designer, multimedia designer, fullstack designer — the list of web professions in the field of design is impressive. You can try yourself in several at GB-school.

Here the development engineer will master programs such as Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator. And also — it will pump up imagination and creative thinking, overcome the fear of experiments and find its own special style.

As a result, the Internet artist's piggy bank will have as many as nine unique IT projects made with his own hands. Moreover, these will not just be "pen samples", but full-fledged commercial products: posters, logos, brandbooks. You can safely get a job!

4. Rebotica: Graphic design courses for children online

Age: 8-16 years old

Format: online

Individually or in a group: individually


Turn useless web surfing into the basis of a successful career? Easy! On the Rebotica platform, you can not only master the basics of digital design, but also get your first real order.

In total, five online modules are planned: the student will go all the way from getting acquainted with the design sphere to designing landing pages, banners and editing selling videos. At the end they will tell you what freelancing is. And also — they will give you a chance to do the work on the technical task and get your first salary.

Each coder will have his own personal mentor — this way all distractions will be eliminated. The passage of the steps is in a calm rhythm, taking into account individual wishes according to the schedule and the saturation of the webinars.

 5. Coddy: Learning a graphic editor for kids

Age: 10-14 years

Format: online and offline

Individually or in a group: to choose from


We will not be mistaken if we say that almost all children in the world love to draw. In the era of information technology, this can be done not only with the usual markers and paints, but also with the help of a computer mouse and keyboard.

Coddy-school offers intensive courses that will teach you how to process photos and other images in Photoshop. This web editor allows you to make bright graphics, retouch photos, design online banners.

After the IT courses, the graduate will be able to try himself not only as a designer, but also as a photographer or architect. But even if a less creative specialty is chosen for life in the future, the journey into the world of IT creativity will remain a wonderful memory.

6. We create comics and cartoons in Kodland

Age: 10-12 years

Format: online

Individually or in a group: in a team


The club opens the doors to the fantastic world of online creativity, where a child will be able to mount his short cartoon or draw an anime comic. To begin with, he will learn how to animate a character in . Next, he will write a storyboard for a small video with his hero. A little later, he will materialize an invented location, in which he will place a cartoon man or animal.

To create a webcomic, you need to compose an exciting story and - get acquainted with the Krita program. Further — more. The drawn pictures can be transformed into animations, add sound special effects and get a real short film.

The final web modules are dedicated to 3D animation. In the Tinkercad special program, the student will create a 3D location, a three-dimensional landscape and virtual friends.

7. Onskills: online design courses for children

Age: not specified

Format: online

Individually or in a group: in a team


Probably, every teenager dreams of not just having enough pocket money, but also earning it himself. The dream will become a reality if you sign up for the Onskills club. They will give you the necessary skills and show you the direct way to the online freelance exchange.  Also, master classes will be useful for those who plan to enroll in a higher educational institution as an IT specialist, PR manager or web designer.

At the start, they will give knowledge on vector and raster graphics, working with curves and color selection. Next, they will study layers and masks, brushes and ways to transform the image. A separate online step will be devoted to typography - working with fonts.

The student will be able to make a business card for himself or some company, and also learn everything about identity - a set of visualizations that will tell everything about a particular brand.

8. Video tutorials from CodimOnline

Age: 10+

Format: online

Individually or in a group: both cases


Gimp is a more accessible analogue of Photoshop. The CodimOnline web platform invites you to understand it. The main format is watching videos on the topic, there are more than 150 of them on the portal. There are also free demo lessons that will make sure that you really want to devote time to this direction.

Using various tools, making collages and applications, retouching images, pumping pages in social networks, working out the menu of the website is only a small part of what you can learn from videos. Access to them is unlimited, so you can always return for repetition or deeper assimilation.

9. Graphic design for children online at Foxford

Age: not specified

Format: online

Individually or in a group: in a group


Theory and a lot of practice in the framework of an online seminar plus "homework" - this is the formula for learning. Classes are held live, but they are also available on the record — for those who did not have time to connect or just want to return to the previously completed material.

You will be taught how to make up text so that it looks readable, understand color and other visualization tools, design a web interface and check your design solutions.

The authors state that you can work not only from a computer and laptop, but even from a smartphone. It is important that the speed of the Internet connection allows you to watch videos. It is recommended to keep notes of meetings, but only in order to remember everything better — all materials will be posted in your personal account.

10. "IRS-academy": flight of fancy

Age: not specified

Format: online

Individually or in a group: to choose from


If your child is a creative person and loves decorative and applied arts, he will definitely like the course from the IRS school. Here he will be able to develop the talent of an artist or sculptor to unprecedented heights, and at the modern level.

Online meetings are held once a week. Admission to them is carried out only after completing and checking homework. This condition allows you to make sure that the student really understood everything perfectly and can follow on. And if there is a gap in knowledge, experts and coordinators will definitely help to fill it.

11. Graphic design for schoolchildren online at the TOP Academy

Age: any

Format: full-time

Individually or in a group: in a group


Here we have developed an author's technique that can work wonders. The student is only required to be disciplined and diligent, the tutors will do the rest.

The course program is updated every six months. Thus, it never becomes outdated and allows you to get the most relevant competencies. Moreover, practitioners working in the largest IT companies in the world teach here. They give only what is really useful for a career.

2.5 years — that's how long the training lasts. During this time, the listener turns into a real IT professional who can apply for a highly paid position. In addition to basic skills, the graduate will be proficient in programming languages such as HTML 5 and CSS 3, as well as know everything about website promotion and monetization.

12. International School "Algorithmics": we plunge into creativity

Age: 9-14 years

Format: online

Individually or in a group: in a group/personally


Developing a corporate identity for a fabulous mini-company is what the guys will do in web lessons. They will be so involved in creativity that they will not notice how they master serious IT skills.

They will also learn the secrets of skill that help to attract the user's attention and avoid visual noise. For example, create

13. Graphic design for children online in EASYDESI

Age: 3rd-11th grade

Format: online

Individually or in a group: solo study


"A useful hobby that takes care of your future" — this is the motto of the lessons on this web site. Three online modules are divided by age and interests. Children 8-10 years old will start with web literacy lessons, learn how to search for information on the World Wide Web on their own and work in Microsoft Word. And as a result, they will design a virtual friendly event: they will develop a holiday logo, draw invitation cards and decorative elements.

Those who are older will be able to pack a brand, write a promo page for a special event and transfer their web project to a Tilde.

14. IT-COOL: six months — and you're a designer

Age: 10-17 years old

Format: online

Individually or in a group: optional


The term of study at this school is six months. During this period, 26 Internet meetings of 1.5 hours will be held. Children will learn how to draw game characters, icons and emblems, work in Inkscape and Canva.

To participate, you will need a laptop or computer with at least 4 GB of RAM, on which the Google Chrome browser is installed. You will also need some devices — a camera, microphone and headphones.

In the final, students will implement 7 full-fledged web projects — and will be able to feel like true designers.

15. "Kodabra": the first steps into the IT Universe

Age: Elementary grades

Format: online

Individually or in a group: in a group


This course is suitable for novice computer scientists. The program is based on Pixel Art technology. She was born thanks to the famous Super Mario web game.

Children will draw "pixel" pictures consisting of thousands of tiny cubes — the process can be compared to cross-stitch. And at the same time they will get acquainted with such difficult concepts for junior high school students as volume, plane, perspective and others.

Live lessons will be held in the Discord online service. If the student does not have time to join, then next time the teacher will invite him earlier, half an hour before the group video meeting, and help him catch up.

We talked about a variety of graphic design courses for children. The beginning of a new school year is the best reason to start something unknown and entertaining. Therefore, hurry up to sign up your IT genius for one or another web intensive. Believe me, years later he will tell you "thank you very much". 

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