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Is there a GameDev in Kazakhstan?

A little over a year ago, students of the Multimedia faculty from AITU completed their final graduation project - a documentary on the topic "GameDev in KZ". We helped with the search for experts for interviews. One of the interviewers' answers was particularly memorable to me. To the usual question "is there a game dev in Kazakhstan?" a representative of one of the indie studios from Kazakhstan answered: "Would we be talking about game development in Kazakhstan today if it didn't exist?" #MicDrop

I am an employee of Astana Hub, in the technopark, one of the tasks of which is to popularize the IT industry. Over the past year and a half, we have been working with Omnium on the GameDev center in Astana Hub. One of the goals of our center is to eliminate the need for this inveterate question "is there a game show in Kazakhstan?".

Today's post is about that. We want to popularize Kazakhstani game design. No, I'm not going to talk about metrics in mobile gaming, market analytics, or popular genres here (and if I do, then only quoting someone). Let's be honest, I don't have such competencies yet, but one has appeared - knowledge of our global game development community. "Global in local", because even a studio from a small town in Kazakhstan can create a game that will be played all over the world.

We know that there is a game show in Kazakhstan, but what about it?

To date, more than 60 game development studios have been registered in Kazakhstan. Of course, we all understand the phenomenon of relocation, and many companies do not have the status of "made in Kazakhstan", but they certainly have a positive impact on the promotion of the industry and the maintenance of the community. However, today's post is not about that (which I will definitely write about later, including the support they provide to our community). Today's post is about the pioneers of Kazakhstani game development, about those whose games come to mind first when talking about game development in Kazakhstan. Of course, they are not the only ones. Fortunately, there have been many startups in game development in recent years, but we'll talk about them later.Below you can see the pioneers of our industry:

Appstore link

 Play Market link

Appstore link

 Play Market link

Appstore link

 Play Market link

STEAM link

All information is taken from the Internet, and details will be published on our GameDev Center Instagram page with the consent of the authors.

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Спасибо за Вашу интересную статью по игровым студиям и геймдеву в Казахстане, было интересно читать! Было бы очень круто увидеть от Вас следующую статью на тему Gamedev в Центральной Азии.
