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Where can I find money for your first game?

Where can a beginner find money for the first game?

In search of the magic keys to the castle of your gaming dreams, you embark on an exciting quest through the world of investments. Your mission is to find support for your unique project and gain financial magic. Where to look for treasures in the form of investors and sponsors?

  1. Magic Magicians Platforms: Enter the world of AngelList, SeedInvest and other magic platforms where investors, like magicians, can appreciate your magic of the game project.
  2. Gaming Wizards Conferences: Go to game dev conferences and immerse yourself in a magical world where investors seem like dragons and fairies of wealth. Reveal your card and win their magical attention.
  3. Magical Gatherings Events: Take part in magical gatherings in your area where you can make friends with financial angels and charming investors.
  4. Schools and Academies of Magic: Join game accelerators and incubators, where the wisest magicians-mentors will help you not only with financial spells, but also with the magic of development.
  5. Network Spellcasters: Use your magical talents on social networks such as LinkedIn, where investors can be found among those who share your passion for gaming magic.
  6. Crowdfunding Arenas: Join crowdfunding arenas like Kickstarter and Patreon, where the power of the community can become your magical partner.
  7. Magical Forests of Venture Capital and Investments: Explore the mysterious forests of venture capital and gaming investments.

Remember that your magic is your project. Develop a bright business plan, create an exciting presentation and immerse yourself in the world of investments! 

And if you are still wondering. Iskander, where exactly should I look? Then here I have already prepared for you a list of 9 platforms on which you can find your first grant / funding /investment for the project:

1) Bright Gambit 

2) Astra Fellowship

3) Draknek New Voices Puzzle Grant

4) DANGEN Indie Developer Grant

5) Epic Mega Grants

6) Galaxy Fund


8) Kowloon Nights

9) Wings

I hope that the readers of the article were able to find the necessary finances for their game projects! 

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За любой комментарий XP?


Отличная статья! Думаю будет очень полезна для начинающих гейм дизайнеров.


Спасибо большое! Да, действительно надеюсь что кто-то благодаря этому списку получит возможность реализовать собственный проект!
