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Hi-Tech innovations in education

In the context of the development of Hi-Tech innovations of the fourth industrial revolution, new technologies are being introduced and subsequent modernization of various areas of human activity, including education.

The Smart Safe School ecosystem presented in Kazakhstan is a unique Hi-Tech solution for schools, which allows to effectively modernize existing processes of school activities, as well as approaches to teaching, including changing teaching methods that correspond to current trends. The modules of our project form a single platform, including the administrator's office, mobile applications and Iot devices developed by highly qualified engineers specifically for the needs of schools.

As a participant of the Astana Hub International Technology Park, we plan to develop the Smart Safe School ecosystem and adapt it for local schools. Together with the schools of Astana and Almaty, adaptation is underway and the introduction of innovative technologies that will help optimize school processes and significantly simplify the interaction of schools with students, parents, teachers and school staff is underway, bringing them to a qualitatively new level.

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А какого рода процессы модернизируются и как?


Модернезируется довольно много школьных процессов - в первую очередь организационные процессы, во вторую - идёт трансформация и у чебного процесса чему очень способствует AI. Экосистема Smart Safe School состоит из 14 модулей и еще два в разработке - довольно большая, подробнее можно прочитать на сайте
