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Innovative development of IT education in Akmola Region

  Immersion in the world of data analysis continues with unflagging enthusiasm! Students of the OzenVision IT School have gone far beyond standard expectations, having already completed 2 months of intensive training. Today we are proud to present the achievements of our students who have successfully mastered both the basics and advanced methods of data analysis. Their excellent skills and competencies are respected, and this is only a small part of their potential. Our course program provides a deep immersion in modern data analysis technologies, and students actively apply their acquired knowledge in practice. They have successfully mastered the basics of the Python programming language, as well as tools for processing and collecting data for making informed decisions in the field of data analytics. Our teacher — Diana Kazbekova, who has considerable experience in the field of data analysis, guarantees a high level of education. We do not limit ourselves to providing theoretical foundations, but focus on the development of practical skills necessary for a successful career in the dynamic field of data analysis. Every success of our students serves as a source of inspiration for us, emphasizing their readiness to take on challenges in the field of data analysis. We strive to form not only theoretically competent, but also practically trained specialists who are able to successfully cope with the requirements of the modern data industry. In addition, it is important to note that on October 27, the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Musin Bagdat Batyrbekovich, made an official visit to the Akmola region. It is emphasized that the meeting with the Minister was a significant moment for our educational setup, where the key aspects of the school's activities were discussed in detail. Special attention was paid to the Tech Orda program, highlighting its importance in the context of the development of digital technologies and innovations in the region.OzenVision strives to actively introduce innovative teaching methods aimed at forming the school into a key participant in the development of technological education in the region. The Minister expressed high appreciation of the efforts of the school, highlighting the educational institution for attracting young people to study in the field of digital technologies in the Akmola region. During the presentation, the main areas of study at OzenVision were presented in detail. The school is actively developing courses covering data analysis and other strategically important areas of the IT industry. This focus on key areas of study underscores OzenVision's commitment to provide students with in-depth and relevant knowledge for successful entry into the modern field of digital technologies. The Tech Orda program, in which the achievements of the OzenVision IT school were presented, seeks to actively stimulate innovative development in the field of information technology. The Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Musin Bagdat Batyrbekovich, stressed the high importance of such initiatives and the support of the state in the development of digital education. At the end of his visit, the Minister expressed gratitude for the information provided and highlighted the importance of cooperation between the state and educational institutions in the field of digital development. After visiting Akmola region, Musin left a positive impression about the activities of OzenVision, emphasizing its important role in the formation of human resources in the field of information technology. This visit was another significant step in the development of partnership between educational institutions and the government in order to improve digital education in Kazakhstan.  

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