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How Kazakhstanis change their field of activity and try themselves in IT with the help of free training

In early October, the IT school "DevPractice" launched its own course on the most popular programming language "Python" as part of the Tech Orda training program. Students not only study the language base, but can also immediately test their skills, since the course program is divided into 40% of theoretical material and 60% of practice. The IT school "DevPractice" was created on the basis of the IT company qazdev, whose experienced developers help students to implement educational tasks.

Now twenty Kazakhstanis are taking the course – residents of Karaganda and the region. Many of them are dealing with programming for the first time: young people have decided to change their field of activity and try themselves in IT, because they believe that in this field, desire and perseverance can very quickly lead to a dream career.

Olga Osipova is a tender specialist, currently on a business trip to the USA and simultaneously mastering knowledge on the Python course:

"I decided to take a course related to IT, because now at least basic knowledge in this area is already simply necessary for life, as well as knowledge of the English language," Olga shares. – "I also believe that IT helps to develop thinking and the knowledge gained during the course will open up new opportunities for me in finding remote work, optimizing my work, and constantly developing myself as a specialist."

In just a month and a half of training, Olga has already made many important steps towards her goal:

"As a person who has never worked in the IT field, I have learned how to write code, solve logical problems using various approaches and already see the possibilities of solving complex problems."

Amir Mauliyev also came to the course to change the field of activity. Now Amir works as a jiu-jitsu and grappling coach:

"I have long wanted to learn about the IT field, to try myself in it," says Amir. – "I hope that after completing the course I will get new skills that I will be able to put into practice in the future. I want to get a job after finishing the course and become a real developer. We are actively studying the basics of programming in Python, I have already begun to understand how the code works and this is a huge achievement for me, because I am dealing with IT for the first time."

Another student of the course, Kymbat Ziyanova, now works as a financial analyst, came to the course to gain new knowledge, skills and automate her work:

"I once read Bagdat Musin's Facebook post that the country needs IT personnel, and I was inspired," says Kymbat. - "I plan to gradually retrain from a financial analyst to a data analyst. This will allow me to become more competitive, work in IT projects and earn a higher income."

Now the students of the course are doing their first project work based on the topics they have passed: they create a To Do sheet that can be viewed, add items to it, edit them and delete them. The course "Python" from the IT school "DevPractice" will last until April 8, 2024.

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