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I am looking for 2 startup teams planning to visit CEVF2024 in June

The Central Eurasian Venture Forum 2024 is being held on June 7, 2024.

I am looking for 2 startup companies from Kazakhstan that plan to start searching for funding in the next 6-12 months, whose teams plan to participate in the CEVF 2024 forum in the Light or Silver format for a small experiment, the purpose of which is to provide you with the opportunity to get more leads in the networking process and leave an impression among investors.

What is needed from the participants of the experiment:

✅ enthusiasm and openness to experimentation;

Understanding that networking is a combination of openness, strategy, work and a suitable chance;

a decent pitch and willingness to share your feedback after the experiment.

What can you expect from me:

A couple of ways from the field of digital marketing to stand out in a huge group of people;

No criticism of your idea, no matter what it is;

Tips on networking strategy, etc., if you ask them.

I don't need to pay - it's an experiment. Please write to e-mail .

First come, first serve. Only 2 companies.


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