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🎓 New Month, New Skills. SDU IT PARK updates on Techorda

As we step into a new month, let's celebrate the incredible strides our students at SDU IT PARK are making in their journey through technology and data science.

📊 Data Science: This month, our students dived into cutting-edge topics in Data Science, including Unsupervised Learning, Clustering, Dimensionality Reduction, Feature Engineering, Neural Networks, and Streamlit applications. They've honed their skills to tackle real-world challenges head-on!

📝 NLP: Meanwhile, in Natural Language Processing, our students delved into Logistic Regression, Generative and Discriminative Classifiers, PyTorch, Deep Learning, and Seq2Seq models. Their journey into NLP promises groundbreaking solutions for language-related tasks.

💡 Our meticulously designed curriculum not only ensures a deep theoretical understanding but also fosters practical skills essential for real-world problem-solving in NLP and Data Analysis. Our partnership with Astana Hub continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the future leaders of technology and data science in Kazakhstan.

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