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Research on the problem of modern CGI instruments in medical Universities of Kazakhstan.

I conducted a study on the problem related to CGI tools for studying at medical universities in Kazakhstan (Medical animations, visualizations, simulations. Engineering solutions in the field of XR, AR, VR). I received statistically quite strong feedback and detailed comments from students and graduates. I will attach a link to the results of the study itself You can see the results directly. I give full access 

Results: I have conducted a rather serious study, the results of which are quite depressing. The quality of 3D 2D medical material is very poor, old, sometimes not even relevant. After that, I began to analyze the market of companies in the CIS market that are engaged in the development of medical computer graphics. To my great surprise, at the time of 2023, there are simply no such, 5 years ago, there were small studios, they still exist now, but they specialize more in cheap graphics for commerce with local pharmaceutical manufacturers. I'm talking about the level of high detail and manufacturability. There are such companies in the West, for example Nano Bot animation or Mad microbe studio and many others that specialize not only in commerce, but also in educational materials for universities and universities. In their work, they are constantly introducing new technologies and methods to create increasingly highly detailed animations, as well as real-time AR VR XR programs, for a more effective approach to studying complex topics. It's no secret that it's much cheaper to open such studios in the KZ market and enter into commerce with BIG Farma in terms of investment and capital investment than in the US and European markets, while the return will be huge, because Big Farma is directly linked to the FDA, which means the final receipts for orders will be quite large, which in the future will allow the local company to deal not only with 2D and 3D, but also to hire staff to develop engineering solutions in the field of AR VR XR. 

My Telegram for communication and additional questions - @valshimik 

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И до этой индустрии дойдет прогресс, согласен что VR, AR - пространства помогут развиваться в разы быстрее особенно в медецине. Видел такой момент в сериале, где врачи создали модель пациента в VR, так как операция была очень серьезной и они репетировали процесс операции и набивали руку в этой модели, смотрелось очень футуристично.
