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A story of disappointment and success: How we found reliable partners to create our website

In January 2023, when our company, ProReklama, decided to switch to a digital strategy and create a website to promote our business, we decided to entrust this process to a company specializing in web development, which we have heard a lot of good things about, I will not name it. They promised innovative design, high functionality and a personalized approach to customers. However, when we started working, we faced serious problems.

The initial meetings in February with this company went smoothly: we discussed our requirements and expectations, clarified the dates and agreed on a common action plan. In March, delays began: the company could not meet the deadlines promised at the initial meeting. Despite our reminders and offers of help, the work continued to drag on, and each delay cost us the loss of opportunities.

Realizing that the current partner cannot solve our problems, we decided to contact ABC Design, recommended by our partners in May. From the first call, we felt the difference: ABC Design professionally listened to our problems and offered a clear and transparent action plan.

In June, ABC Design provided us with a detailed website concept that fully met our expectations. They stressed the importance of meeting deadlines and regularly informed us about the progress of the work. We saw real progress every week and felt that our project was under reliable control. The result was a website launched in September that not only meets all our requirements, but also exceeded our expectations in design and functionality.

Today, our website has become a key tool in our marketing strategy, attracting new customers and maintaining our professional reputation. We are grateful to ABC Design for their competence, responsiveness and high quality of work. This experience has shown us that choosing the right partner in web development plays a crucial role in achieving success in the digital environment.

Our story highlights the importance of carefully choosing reliable partners in web development. We are confident that with ABC Design we have found not only performers, but also strategic partners who are ready to help us in our further digital initiatives.

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Только недавно узнала об AI/UX, а тут и CX/UX есть. Думаю список исследователей на этом не кончается... 🙈


Только недавно узнала об AI/UX, а тут и CX/UX есть. Думаю список исследователей на этом не кончается... 🙈
