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From Incubator Manager to regional leader: Interview with Zhanarys from the Kyzylorda Hub

Zhanarys Tubekbayev is the regional manager of the Kyzylorda Hub in Kyzylorda region. He is a financier by education. He has 4 years of experience in the ecosystem of startups, IT and education. I started as a manager Kyzylorda business incubator "Business Start", then became its head. He launched and managed commercial and social projects in the field of education. He has skills in financial management, digitalization and artificial intelligence. He is proficient in various Web and AI services designed to conduct the activities of the organization. Since 2021, he has been working on the development of the ecosystem of technological entrepreneurship and IT in the Kyzylorda region.

- Zhanarys, which of your achievements and projects do you consider the most significant?

- I consider the result of the work of our regional hub, the Kyzylorda Hub, to be my main achievement . By carrying out systematic activities and taking the right steps, our hub has become the epicenter of the development of technological entrepreneurship in the region. In one year, we have conducted 154 events and 6 programs aimed at developing startups and improving the competencies of IT specialists. We have raised 16 million tenge for startups at the pre-seed financing stage. We are currently working on a project of the BIC center at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence by SeoulTech & Korkyt Ata, where a new coworking space for AI projects will be opened.

- What skills and knowledge do you think are key to success in your role as a regional manager?

- The main task of the regional manager is to serve as a bridge between the regional and republican ecosystem. It is important to be able to establish cooperation with the local executive body, universities and private companies. It is necessary to understand the sphere of technological entrepreneurship, digitalization and education. The ability to be a "universal soldier", work in the "operating system" and create strategic plans for the development of the hub, as well as patriotism and love for a small homeland, are key qualities for success.

- What motivated you to become a regional manager of Astana Hub?

My story began in 2021 with a pilot project of regional community managers. Knowing about the activities of Astana Hub, I decided to try my hand. The main task of the project was to awaken the ecosystem and familiarize the local community with the world of startups. Thanks to the cooperation and the increased presence of Astana Hub in our region, the local community has more opportunities to realize the potential and enter the global startup arena. Collaborating with the best to become a better person has been my motivation for the last three years.

- What tasks and responsibilities does your role include?

- My activity covers a wide range of tasks: from infrastructure development to personal interaction with representatives of the ecosystem. We are actively promoting Astana Hub programs so that residents of the region can implement their ideas. Our events and programs reach many people, directing them to educational and business programs, as well as to the tax preference program. We carry out business incubation and develop startups and IT competencies through projects such as "Startup Joly", "Innofest Kyzylorda", "Smart city Kyzylorda", "EdTech Hackathon Kyzylorda", "Startup Orda", "Kyzylorda Idea Battle", "Tech girl" and "She-commerce". The full list of programs can be found on our website www.kyzylordahub .kz and Instagram page @kyzylordahub. Our work is focused on training, networking, nurturing ideas, providing infrastructure and attracting investments.

- Can you share examples of how your support has helped startups achieve success?

Over three years, we have attracted 36 million tenge of seed investments in startups. Five companies from the region received tax preferences by becoming members of the Astana Hub. Our startups become winners of national and international competitions. The Bagdar project signed a contract with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and ReDabyl won the republican hackathon and received an internship in India.

- What successful partnerships have you managed to conclude?

We are actively cooperating with partners from the Institute of Artificial Intelligence by SeoulTech & Korkyt Ata – the first institute artificial intelligence in the country. We are currently working on the BIC center, which includes the construction of a new coworking for AI startups and the creation of educational programs that will start in September 2024. Recently launched GameDev Center Kyzylorda, where the community will receive free access to infrastructure and educational content.

- How do you see the future of the IT ecosystem in your region?

- Big changes are underway in our region to diversify the economy. The region holds leading positions in oil production, agriculture and construction. However , it is necessary to switch to other sectors of the economy. The oil will run out soon, and against the background of the water crisis in Central Asia, we have great potential in the IT sphere. We plan to create infrastructure and programs for the development and financing of projects. Our hub will eventually become a technology park, like Astana Hub. It is important to create a venture financing fund and adopt the best domestic and international experience.

- Tell us about yourself: your goals, dreams, who is your idol, your credo in life?

My main goal is to be needed. To be needed by the family, the country, and humanity. I am motivated by my outstanding ancestor, Temyrbek Zhurgenov. I also want to make a significant contribution to the history of my country. I hope that in the distant future I will be remembered as an honored worker of the innovative ecosystem of our country, and possibly the world.

- Undoubtedly. Thanks for the interview.

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Қызылордада тек қана IT саласында ғана емес бүкіл салада жастарға қолдау көрсетіп,білім беріп,мықты инвесторлармен жастардың арасын байланыстырып жүргеніңізге үлкен рахмет!


Қызылорда жастарының IT-саласына деген көзқарасын өзгертіп, жаңа идеяларды жүзеге асыру арқылы (алғашында жәй қызығушылықтан басталған) өздерінің осы мамандықты таңдауына себепкер болатындай әсер етудесіздер👍🏻 #жекетәжірибеден


Молодец Жанарыс! Мы в тебя верим. Вперёд к успехам!


Молодец Жанарыс! Мы в тебя верим. Вперёд к успехам!


Для меня большая честь быть частью большого движения Astana Hub! Благодарю коллег за оказанное содействие в развитии всех регионов нашей страны. Алға Қазақстан!


Жанарыс, вы молодец! Ваш вклад в развитие области впечатляет. Желаем успехов в дальнейшей деятельности!
