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Feedback on the Tech Orda program from a student of the Interactive Range cybersecurity school

Bakhtiyar Shamshiev is an information security specialist at one of the telecommunications companies, as well as one of the active students of our school. Therefore, we decided to contact him to find out his opinion about the learning process at the Interactive Range school, as well as to get advice for future participants of the Tech Orda program.

1. Why did you decide to choose cybersecurity courses?

- I have been working in the field of information security for several years. However, due to the fact that I do not have sufficient knowledge about the methods of attacking / protecting information and conducting "forensics" (investigations of cyber incidents), there is a need for advanced training in this direction.

2. How did you learn about our school?

- I learned about the Interactive Range IT school on the Tech Orda platform.

3. Why did you choose our IT school?

- Interactive Range turned out to have a more convenient schedule and training mode. Classes are held online and once a week. Also, an online learning platform with virtual machines is available 24/7 to perform "home" tasks (laboratory work) and test their knowledge.

4. Did you have any knowledge of IT or information security before?

- I have been working in the field of IT since 2005, in the field of information security since 2014. He started his career in the civil service, where he held positions from a specialist in the technical support unit to the head of the information security unit of the state agency. At the moment I am an information security specialist in one of the telecommunications companies.

5. What knowledge or skills have you already learned in 8 weeks of training?

- Over the past 8 weeks of training, I managed to expand my knowledge of working with the Linux operating system (primarily through the command line), as well as master the knowledge of passive and active intelligence (preliminary study of the object of attack / defense).

6. What difficulties did you encounter during the training and how did you solve them?

- During the training, I did not experience any difficulties. Educational materials are given in sufficient volume in the form of detailed video tutorials and laboratory work, as well as in the form of links to additional materials. The implementation of "homework" tasks on mastering the Linux operating system took place in an interesting and exciting way.

7. What are your general impressions of the course at the beginning of training?

- I learned a lot of new things in the field of intelligence, its types and methods of implementation, as well as about the tools used (applications and web resources) of intelligence.

8. What would you like for future participants of the program?

- For future participants, I wish you a choice of an IT profession to your liking and an indispensable admission to the chosen course of study. In case of failure at admission, do not despair and try again. Personally, I managed to enroll in a course of study under the Tech Orda program only on the second attempt. I was less lucky last year.

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