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How Kokshelab forms IT specialists

Our Kokshelab IT school continues to actively develop and expand its capabilities. As part of this process, we have conducted a number of interesting activities aimed at the education and professional development of our students.

One of the significant events was a master class from an experienced backend developer. During this event, topical topics related to business processes in IT companies, the specifics of working in this field were discussed, as well as various aspects of software were considered. The participants had the opportunity to ask their questions and get valuable insights from the expert. In addition, our school organized another master class, this time the moderator was a project manager and an experienced backend developer. During this event, students learned about the methods of finding solutions for various tasks, and also learned how to effectively use various services in their work.

In addition to the master classes, the head of our Kokshelab IT school took part in the Pizza Pitch event at Aqmola IT Hub as a member of the jury. This event was aimed at selecting the best projects, and our expert contributed to the evaluation and selection of the most promising and innovative ideas.

Thus, our IT school continues to actively develop and contribute to the formation of a professional community in the field of information technology. The Tech Orda program allows us to achieve these goals by supporting students on their way to high achievements in the IT industry.

#TechOrda #AstanaHub #Kokshelab

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