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How did we find a compromise with a client who underestimated the price

Recently, we were contacted at ABC Design by a client who was interested in developing a website for his business. We gladly accepted his application and began discussing the requirements and budget.Website creation in Almaty | Website development in Almaty ( )

After several meetings and discussions, it became clear that the client was significantly underestimating the price of the project. He insisted on an amount that was much lower than the market value of our services. Naturally, this situation has put us in a difficult position, because the quality of work and the reputation of the company are always in the first place for us.

We decided not to abandon the client immediately, but to try to find a compromise solution. The first step was a thorough explanation of all the stages of website development and justification of the cost of each of them. We showed the client that he would not be able to get the desired result for his proposed amount, and offered several alternative options.

One of the options was a simplified design and functionality of the site that would match its budget. We also suggested dividing the work into several stages, which would allow the client to pay for the project in installments as it is implemented.

However, the client was still not satisfied with the proposed conditions. Then we offered him a flexible payment schedule, with the possibility of installments for a longer period. The client was interested in this proposal, and we started working on the details of the agreement.

In the end, we were able to find a middle ground: the client agreed to slightly increase the budget, and we, in turn, provided additional discounts on some services. This allowed us to start working on the project without compromising on quality and timing.

Today, the client's website has been successfully launched and brings him profit, and we are glad that we were able to find a compromise solution and keep the client satisfied. This experience has shown us that sometimes it is necessary to show flexibility and go to a meeting with a client in order to achieve mutually beneficial cooperation.

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