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How to protect business from cybercriminals: top information security solutions for SMEs

The cybersecurity expert Noventiq Kazakhstan says that businesses of any scale should pay due attention to information security. About common cyber threats and solutions that will increase the level of protection of any enterprise and help avoid consequences for reputation and business development.

In today's interconnected digital environment, information security has become the most important task for enterprises of any scale. Small and medium-sized enterprises are no exception. While large enterprises often have dedicated cybersecurity teams and significant resources to protect their assets, SMEs may have difficulty implementing reliable security measures due to budget and resource constraints.

The main cyber threats to the SME sector:

Small and medium-sized enterprises are increasingly becoming attractive targets for cybercriminals. The main threats they face include:

– Phishing attacks: Cybercriminals use deceptive emails or messages to force employees to divulge confidential information or click on malicious links.

– Ransomware: malicious software that encrypts company data and holds them "hostage" until ransom is received.

– Insider threats: employees who intentionally or unintentionally create a significant risk to the security of the organization.

– Threats of data leakage: unauthorized access to customer data, intellectual property or financial information can cause serious damage to the reputation and profits of the business.

– Weak passwords: Often weak passwords are easily cracked, providing unauthorized access to critical systems.

Key solutions required by any enterprise:

To protect their digital assets, SMEs should pay priority attention to the following solutions in the field of information security:

– Antivirus:

An effective antivirus solution is necessary to identify and eliminate various malware. It acts as the first line of defense, constantly scanning and neutralizing malware before they can cause significant harm. For example, a few months ago, our team assisted a representative of a small and medium-sized business who fell victim to a Trojan that penetrated his system through a seemingly legitimate software update. If they had used reliable antivirus software, this attack could have been prevented.

– DLP (Data Loss Prevention):

DLP solutions play a crucial role in protecting confidential data from leakage or unauthorized access. They help control data flows inside and outside the organization, ensuring proper protection of confidential information. I recall a case when a data leak occurred in one of the small and medium-sized businesses, when one of the employees inadvertently transferred a customer database containing confidential information to a third party who posed as an auditor. The presence of a DLP system allows you to proactively identify and prevent such incidents.

– Mail protection (anti-phishing/anti-spam):

Phishing attacks via email are one of the most common points of penetration of cyber threats. The introduction of reliable mail protection allows you to filter out spam and malicious messages, reducing the likelihood that employees will become victims of phishing attacks. Most recently, one of the small businesses we worked with lost a significant part of the budget when one of the employees mistakenly clicked on a phishing link and disclosed his credentials. With proper mail protection, such attacks can be minimized.

– SWG (Secure Web Gateway – web security gateway):

This is a security solution that prevents unprotected Internet traffic from entering the internal network of the organization. It analyzes the data flow between the end user and the Internet, so that the download of any site or file is pre-checked.

Using SWG, you can configure "black" and "white" lists of URLs, thereby allowing or prohibiting access to websites.

– Firewall - Firewall:

A firewall serves as a barrier between an organization's internal network and the outside world, controlling incoming and outgoing network traffic based on specified security rules. It helps prevent unauthorized access and prevents intruders from accessing the network. A few years ago, one of the clients faced a cyberattack that exploited a vulnerability in his network infrastructure. Timely installation of a firewall could effectively block this intrusion attempt.

– SSO (Single Sign-On) + Password Manager:

Single registration makes it easier to access multiple applications using a single set of credentials. In combination with a password manager, employees can use strong and unique passwords for each service without having to remember them all. This reduces the risk of password-related vulnerabilities and increases the overall level of security.


In addition to the mentioned solutions, attention should be paid to the following recommendations for strengthening protection:

Employee training: conduct regular security trainings for all employees to familiarize them with the latest threats and best practices.

Regular updates: it is mandatory to update all software, applications and operating systems to eliminate vulnerabilities and strengthen protection.

Incident Response Plan: develop and put into practice an incident response plan to promptly eliminate the consequences of a security breach.

Security audit: conduct a periodic audit of information security to assess the current state of security.

Data encryption: encrypt sensitive data both during transmission and at rest to provide an additional layer of protection.

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA): implement an MFA to provide an additional layer of protection when logging in.

It is important to note that information security is a top priority for small and medium-sized businesses in the digital age. Cyber threats continue to evolve, which makes it necessary to implement reliable solutions to protect assets and confidential data. 

Under the guidance of cybersecurity experts and with the implementation of the necessary solutions, companies will be able to navigate the digital landscape more confidently and resist cyber threats.

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