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Kazakhstan has become a leader in the growth of the IT industry in Central Asia

Kazakhstan has become a leader in the growth of the IT industry in Central Asia. In 2020, the volume of Kazakhstan's IT market amounted to 1.3 trillion tenge, which is 17% more than in the previous year. There are many IT startups in the country that continue to conquer the world market.

One of the examples of a successful IT startup is Astana Hub. It is the largest international technopark of IT startups in Central Asia. Astana Hub provides services for the free development of Kazakhstani and foreign technology companies. They also support startups at all stages of development, including acceleration and incubation programs.

Kazakhstani IT startups continue to show high results. Some of them were marked in international ratings and received recognition outside the country. For example, ChocoFamily is the largest IT company in Kazakhstan that develops software for the restaurant business 2Robo Wunderkind - a startup that produces robot constructors for children 2Matrix Mill - a startup that works in the field of virtual reality.

In general, the IT industry in Kazakhstan has great potential for development and attracting new investments. Astana Hub continues to be one of the key players in the market and continues to support young and talented IT specialists.

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