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Kazakhstani Scientists at the WIPO Exhibition: Contribution to the Global Sustainable Development Goals

In 2024, the Eurasian Patent Convention (EAPC) celebrates its 30th anniversary. In honor of this significant event, an exhibition dedicated to the achievements of the member countries of the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) was opened in Geneva, on the site of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Among the many innovations presented, the developments of Kazakhstani scientists occupy a worthy place, making a significant contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) approved by the United Nations.

Assel Madrasova, representing the National Scientific Cardiac Surgery Center in Astana, demonstrated a method for implanting a HeartMate III left ventricular mechanical support device. This innovative method, protected by Eurasian patent No. 037411, minimizes surgical risks, such as thrombosis of the device or bleeding, due to the staged operation and the use of parallel artificial circulation. The development significantly reduces the traumatic nature of the procedure, improving long-term results for patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Zhansaya Akhmadeeva from the National Center for Biotechnology of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan presented a method for obtaining biodegradable biocompatible tissue engineering sheets (patent No. 028141). These sheets, created using cultured fibroblasts, provide effective treatment for burns and soft tissue defects, accelerating healing and improving the quality of life of patients.

Kozhakhmetov Ernat Abilkhayyrovich from the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan presented a method for manufacturing a solid oxide fuel cell (national patent KZ No. 36346). This method allows to reduce production costs and increase the durability of fuel cells, which is a significant step forward in the field of renewable hydrogen and alternative energy.

Tebayeva Anar Yulaevna has developed a gamma-spectrometric method for analyzing ores of complex composition (Eurasian patent No. 045771). This innovation expands the scope of application of geophysical analysis methods and increases the sensitivity of determining the iron content in ores, which is an important contribution to the development of responsible use of natural resources.

Svetlana Vladimirovna Ekimova from JSC National Atomic Company Kazatomprom demonstrated a method for extracting scandium from productive solutions (national patent KZ No. 36112). This method simplifies the production process and reduces scandium losses, which is of great importance for the metallurgical industry.

The developments of Kazakhstani scientists presented at the exhibition emphasize the high level of innovation in our country. These projects not only demonstrate technological advances, but also make an important contribution to improving human health and well-being, as well as responsible consumption and production, which is consistent with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

We are proud of our scientists and their contribution to the future of Kazakhstan and the whole world. By continuing to develop innovations and support young talents, we are moving towards a sustainable and prosperous future.

#EAPO #WIPO #Kazakhstan #Innovation #Health #Energy #SDGs