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Kolesa TeamLead Day’24: how was the professional event for managers in Kazakhstan IT

The other day, Kolesa TeamLead Day 2024 was held in Almaty. This is the largest platform in Kazakhstan for the exchange of experience between team leaders and IT managers. The event gathered 320 spectators. Speakers from the Kolesa Group, NITEC, Altel Digital, JUG Ru Group, Bereke Bank and Beeline Kazakhstan spoke.

Now the market is designed in such a way that businesses need leaders in all IT areas: development, product management, HR, analytics, design, etc. The development of the entire business depends on the speed of the team's development. And the team leaders are responsible for the development of the teams. They are the core of the company's development.

The Kolesa Group has created a platform so that Kazakhstani middle managers - team leaders, technical leaders, managers, SEMS — can share their experiences and help each other. The organizers have been holding the Kolesa TeamLead Day since 2022, increasing the scale of niche events and experimenting with formats. This year, after the presentations, the organizers held a panel discussion on the topic of development in IT and career tracks.

The event program was designed so that each participant could find a cure for their pain. For example, a novice team leader will learn useful insights from an experienced team leader, and an experienced team leader will think about pumping a personal brand on the exterior. Such a concentration of team leadership experience per person-hour and square meter happens in Kazakhstan only once a year.

The event manager of the Kolesa Group, Arailym Kozhanova, was the main organizer of the Kolesa TeamLead Day 2024:

"The goal of the Kolesa TeamLead Day is to create and maintain a community for Kazakhstani middle managers in IT. We help novice team leaders and those who are ready to transition to develop. We gathered more than 300 team leaders, technical leaders, and managers in one place for discussions, exchange of experience, and mutual assistance."

Kolesa TeamLead Day 2024 was held in the Q-lab space.

The audience of the event also shared their impressions. For example, Timur Suleev, Data Engineering Team Lead in First of all, I am glad to network:

"This is the second time I have come to the Kolesa TeamLead Day. This is a unique conference for our country. Because few people discuss the challenges and pains that occur in the work of team leaders. Networking with experts who have already passed the path that you are going through now; communicating with those who can shorten this path for you is the most valuable thing for me."

Denis Kosourov, team leader of backend development at Air Astana, has benefited from the work of colleagues from other companies:

"I am a beginner Java backend teamlead at Air Astana. I came to the Kolesa TeamLead Day to learn from the work of other team leaders. It's interesting to find out how they deal with their problems — they are similar in many ways."

A similar motivation led Zhuldyz Akhmetova, HR Lead Parqour, to the event:

"I came to the Kolesa TeamLead Day for new knowledge and networking. I am a beginner HR Lead at Parqour. There are three people in my team. I liked all the performances, especially the working cases. The most interesting for me, as a novice HR manager, were the reports on the formation of a corporate culture, building an employee's IPR and the influence of personal qualities on the effectiveness of the team. As well as networking after the reports." 

The recordings of the reports are available at this link.

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