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The company is Anti-plagiarism.Kazakhstan will take part in the expert session of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

The executive director of the Anti-Plagiarism company.Kazakhstan Yuri Chekhov will speak at the expert strategic session in Kazakhstan on February 21-22. The session will be devoted to the sustainable development of the educational strategy of the research university.

The purpose of the expert session is to develop a strategy in which science plays a key role in the development of education at a research university. Panel expert sessions on various aspects of education are planned within the framework of the event, including the design of educational programs, digital transformation, innovative teaching technologies, inclusive education and quality of education. The session will allow participants to share experiences and best practices on the integration of science and education, as well as make a valuable contribution to the formation of a sustainable and inspiring educational environment.

During the session, Yuri Chekhov, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, will talk about the role of artificial intelligence technologies in the Antiplagiate system.Kazakhstan". The report will focus on modern machine learning algorithms and their use for the benefit of improving academic integrity, as well as introduce students to best practices in determining plagiarism: AI detection of generated texts, the use of translated borrowings and borrowings in images.

About a year ago, the company's Anti-plagiarism service.Kazakhstan has learned how to detect fragments of text generated by a neural network. Based on extensive experience in the field of natural language processing research , the company's specialists were able to quickly train the system in new skills and successfully implement them into work. Now the tool for detecting artificially created texts successfully checks all documents of users of our system, providing a detailed report on the detected signs of generation.

We remind you that the LLP "Antiplagiat.Kazakhstan" has been operating in the country since 2021. The company is an expert in the field of text loan detection, provides, implements and fully supports the Antiplagiat-Kazakhstan software product. LLP "Antiplagiat.Kazakhstan" is a resident of the Astana International Technopark Hub provides services for 112 organizations in Kazakhstan, including 67 universities.

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