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Expiration date control: how to organize the process so that losses are significantly reduced?

A paradigm shift in the management of retail chains is just around the corner: manual expiration dates are a thing of the past. Today, the retail market has access to innovative solutions that can not only speed up control processes, but also provide significant financial results. Let's look at how automation can help to cope with problems and reduce losses.

  - the forgetfulness of stores regarding expiration dates leads to the fact that goods such as beer and household chemicals are overdue.

 - stores randomly use discount coupons, applying them to products with a sufficient shelf life, for example, cottage cheese

- managers have to spend time regularly coordinating store requests for markdowns, repeating the same calculations 

This is where modern digital tools come to the rescue. One of the advanced solutions is the store's digital assistant, StorexPM. This system monitors shelf deadlines, calculates possible delays, and automates store alerts. It suggests available markdowns or coupons, helps in preparing refunds, and simplifies monitoring performance discipline and discount facts at the checkout.   

  • Automatic control: StorexPM automatically calculates the shelf life of leftovers based on shipment data or regulations. He predicts potential losses and sends tasks to the outlets in advance. The result is a forecast of write—offs, a list of items for markdowns, and automatic confirmation of store balances.
  • Manual control: In certain categories, employees can independently specify expiration dates, and the system notifies when it's time to check the rotation on the shelf. This allows you to receive automatic alerts about approaching expiration dates. 
  • Settings for coupons, markdowns, and Refunds: StorexPM allows you to customize the rules for using discounts, reducing the time spent on decision-making. As a result, the store will see the options available to it when working with the product. 

Using a high-quality service such as StorexPM makes the expiration date control process more productive and reduces the financial losses of the network. Automation and a well—thought-out strategy are the keys to success in modern retail.

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