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💝 BDMLE course, Tech Orda Grants, Results, Wave I

Just in case, we remind you that our flagship courses are refresher courses:

1️⃣ Industrial Development course in Python

2️⃣ Practical course on Big Data

🤗 the full group has been recruited, launching next week

🏃♂️ who wants to get into the last car - write!

3️⃣ Practical course on Machine Learning

To be able to study under grants at our advanced training courses, we have developed more than a six-month program:

❤️‍🔥 Big Data / Machine Learning Engineer (BDMLE)

which contains an introductory course:

0️⃣ Python for analyzing [large] data (can be written independently)

Test results of the first wave of candidates:

2 candidates have passed the threshold on the "base" (logic, analytics, Python; and these are not all topics covered by the introductory course).

As promised, we will contact everyone who has passed the test for:

a) grant approvals

b) clarification of priorities for grants to be taken into account in the general grant allocation competition after the official opening of the set on the Astana Hub platform (waves II, III, ...)

c) issuing recommendations for preparation for the next year

Depending on the level of training, we will recommend from 7 to 12 training modules from the introductory course for grant training.

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