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"Month of care" in Kazakhstan online therapy service - Kazakhstan service for the search and selection of experienced, qualified psychologists on request. Before launching the project, Sezim conducted a large–scale study throughout Kazakhstan to find out how popular therapy is in our society and what beliefs and barriers Kazakhstanis have in the topic of taking care of their mental health. 

We have found that almost 70% of Kazakhstanis experience anxiety and stress. The most popular topics are career and earnings, relationships with family and friends, as well as one's own physical and psychological health. At the same time, only 3.7% of Kazakhstanis have ever consulted a psychologist.  30% of respondents understand the importance of contacting a psychologist and consider such an opportunity in case of a collision with life crises, however, they have certain barriers regarding the topic. 

If we talk about the barriers associated with the willingness to seek support from a psychologist, the main reasons are: 

  • Ignorance of where to find a good specialist and how to check his competence;
  • Lack of funds - people worry that therapy is expensive and long-lasting;
  • Fears and worries that it's really worth it, as well as that contacting a psychologist is a sign that something is wrong with you. People are ashamed to talk about it and seek support.  

In principle, we created the Sezim project to work with most stigmas and barriers – to provide people with access to qualified psychologists, with the opportunity to go through the process with complete confidentiality and seamless process, everything is automated. In addition to the main product, we also do many educational projects aimed at raising people's awareness of the topic and increasing the level of emotional intelligence and self-reflection in our society. 

This year we decided to hold a large-scale campaign "Month of Care" to support people in their decision to start taking care of their mental health. During March, people can sign up for the first consultation with any psychologist they like on the Sezim service with a 50% discount. 

The first step is the most difficult and scary in any new endeavor. But he is the most important one. Our campaign is aimed at helping people take this first step by easing the entry threshold. We hope that we can help people solve some important life issues for themselves and get to know the benefits of working with an experienced, qualified psychologist. Sezim is a safe place where everyone can find confidential support in difficult moments of their lives.

For our part, we made the first entry experience as comfortable as possible - we carefully selected specialists on the platform, prepared a convenient query navigation system, combined all the necessary functions for the client and the psychologist into one tool, adjusted the quality of service so that it was one of the best in the industry in Kazakhstan (NPS 9.8/10).

Experienced psychologists select only proven qualified specialists for the platform. Education, seniority, work experience are checked, as well as psychologists are tested for compliance with the regulations of the Code of Ethics. Clients of the service can choose the right specialist based on their request and financial capabilities and work with a psychologist online from a place that is comfortable for them, at a time that is comfortable for them. 

You can choose and make an appointment with a psychologist by following the link.

The discount is applied automatically.

Taking care of you,

The Sezim team

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