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My path of searching for a billion-dollar project is 15 years long.

Hello, my Jedi. 

In 2010, I graduated from university and immediately went into business, a classic for those who did not see the point in studying. I have launched my own marketing agency and an online store for children's toys. At the beginning of 2011, e-commerce in Kazakhstan was only at the initial stage of its development, and it was cool to launch, because you could immediately get a great response. 

I found a supplier from Russia and made a purchase for $ 2,000. I launched a website, launched an action together with one of the coupon services and received more than 2000 orders. 

Wow, I was shocked. Sales were made in the amount of about $ 8000, we immediately bought another batch and started making an island in the mall.

That's where the mistake was. You can't go offline from online, on the contrary you can. We lost a lot of time, there were constant problems with staff, traffic, rent and many other things. In general, it cost me the project. I've lost time and development online.

Over time, after about 6 months, the project began to incur losses. I decided to close the point in the mall and sold part of the product along with the online store.

Overall, it was a great experience launching online trading and marketing. I fully understood what the Internet is and what power it has.

Have you had any online trading experience? Tell us your business story! I will be glad to hear it

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