We are now accepting applications for the Seed Money 4.1 startup seed funding program

Through this program, you will have the opportunity to receive funding of up to 20 million tenge.

Now, your startup can receive up to 20 million tenge depending on the stage of development (from MVP to Scale).

Funding is provided according to the Revenue Share model with a 1% payment after all funds have been used within 5 years.

This year, the priority areas are AI, Game dev, Blockchain, Defence Tech, Space tech, Hardware, and Smart city.

In addition to funding, we will provide Seed Money participants with free coworking space, access to the Astana Hub infrastructure for startups from other regions, expert consultations and feedback from industry experts, assistance in B2B/B2G meetings, and networking with investors and business angels.

According to our specialists' analysis, 67% of startups that underwent Seed Money have achieved revenue and advanced their stage of development. For example, program graduates include companies such as UvU, beyne.ai, Parqour, and others.

Applications for participation are accepted until March 5th.

Follow the link to learn all the details and submit an application for funding for your startup.

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