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We are pleased to announce that we are participants of the international summit #InMerge Summit Baku! You can find us on Startup Alley. See you on November 30 - December 1 in Baku!

Biz #InMerge Summit Baku halykaralyk summityn katysushysy ekenimizdi kuana khabarlaymyz! Bizdi Startuptar Alleyasynda taba alasyzdar. 30 karasha - 1 zheltoksan aralygynda Baku kalasynda kezdeskenshe!

We are pleased to announce that we are participants of the international summit #InMerge Summit Baku! You can find us on Startup Alley. See you on November 30 - December 1 in Baku!

We are pleased to announce that we are a participant of the #nMerge Summit Baku International summit! You can find us in the Startups Alley. See you on 30 November - 1 December in Baku!

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