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🚀 New training formats and discounts until the end of the weekend

The last launch of the Python 2024 Industrial Development course starts on December 4. Due to high demand, there is only one place left in the second (additional) study group! We understand that not everyone has the opportunity to attend our training with expert support and on a schedule.

To make learning more accessible, we have developed new learning formats: Lite, Medium and Full. With these formats, you can start learning at any time and according to your schedule.

A description and comparison of the formats is available on the website at the link. For example, the Medium format contains:

✔️ Monthly starts

✔️ Access to videos for a year

✔️ The ability to use Grader to test your solutions

✔️ Something else

✔️ and of course certificates

The most important thing is that by the end of this week (2024.12.08) you can sign up for the Medium format with a 30% discount! Just specify the "PYTHON30 promo code" in the comments when applying for training.

Don't miss your chance to learn how to write code as it is written and asked in interviews at Amazon, Google and other leading technology companies.

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