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Defining investment goals

To start investing, it is important to clearly formulate your goals. This will help you choose the right tools and strategy.

Here are some examples of goals:

  • Save capital: protect your savings from inflation and depreciation.
  • Create passive income: make regular profits without working directly.
  • Achieve long-term goals: save up for retirement, children's education, a large purchase (real estate, car).
  • Get speculative profit: use market fluctuations for short-term transactions.

For each goal, you need to define:

  • The deadline for achievement: when do you want to get the result?
  • The desired amount: How much money do you need?
  • The level of risk: How much risk are you willing to take?

The more clearly you formulate your goals, the easier it will be to choose the appropriate investment instruments.

Here are some tips:

  • Start small: don't set too ambitious goals for yourself.
  • Break down big goals into smaller ones: this way they will be easier to achieve.
  • Review your goals regularly: your goals may change over time.