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Features of advertising during Ramadan: how to attract the attention of in-app users in the holy month.

Ramadan is one of the most important events in the world of Islamic culture and a great opportunity for marketers to attract the attention of customers to their product.

An effective method is mobile advertising. Since users spend a lot of time in applications, it is important to natively advertise the brand to a relevant audience at the right time of day.

Below is a case study of KFC brand promotion during Ramadan. Let's look at what strategies were used and what results were achieved.


  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Product promotion
  • Informing about the promotion


  • Fullscreen banners
  • Video clips
  • Targeting by social demographics and interests
  • SSP Optimization

Geo: Tashkent, Samarkand, Andijan, Kokand

During Ramadan, people's lifestyles change, which affects their purchasing behavior. During this period, they are actively looking for gifts, food for cooking and other goods related to the holiday. With this in mind, our team analyzed the potential audience and selected the appropriate targeting.

In this case, we focused on men and women aged 15 to 45 years old who are interested in cooking, spirituality and religion, especially in Islam. Geotargeting was set up for cities such as Tashkent, Samarkand, Andijan, and Kokand.

A fullscreen banner and a video format were used as a creative. Both formats have their advantages. A fullscreen banner attracts attention and provides high visibility, while a video format allows you to immerse the user deeper into the history of the brand and demonstrate the product in action.

The optimization of the advertising campaign was carried out according to the statistics of the BYYD platform. The Black List included applications with low user interest in the advertising offer

The measures and tools taken led to the following results: in all flights, there was an over-fulfillment of CTR indicators and the impression plan.

In addition, an impressive audience reach was achieved. The number of clicks confirms the audience's interest in the brand's offer and the effectiveness of the mobile campaign.

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