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The process of implementing the JustCode Career Center: how did they come to him, what have they already achieved, what are the plans

How we came to career support:

We talked to graduates, programmers, HR specialists and students who have successfully got a job, and identified the main problems of classical career support. All academies, schools and universities have absolutely identical career support. The same approach, methods and names.

We started the same way. At the end of the training, HR with impressive experience in IT told me in 1-2 lectures how to get a job. At first glance, this should be enough, because we gave all the knowledge about the profession and also held a couple of lectures on employment. However, the problem lay deeper.

As we realized, we need to work a lot in this direction:

It turned out that career support is one of the stages of training. Most often, both students and academies think that everything in this part is logical, clear and simple. You go to HeadHunter, create a resume using a standard template, click on all suitable vacancies and wait for an offer. But the percentage of employment under this scheme remained quite low. We started to figure out what the problem might be and what exactly is preventing students from finding a job.

After doing a lot of work, we realized that it wasn't a lack of skills, as it might seem at first glance. Most often, fear and misunderstanding are to blame for the numerous refusals when looking for a job.

Let's take the average student. He was trained and showed good results. I asked the teachers questions and studied some topics on my own. For the most part, he has all the necessary knowledge, skills and cases in his portfolio for successful employment. He lacks only one thing – self-confidence.

We taught completely different people: schoolchildren, students, adults and even pensioners (yes, there were some). They have something in common – when they get to an interview, they turn into children. They are scared, they literally get lost and forget the answers to even the simplest questions. They do not understand what awaits them, and even a standard interview terrifies them.

As a result, the student is not confident in his knowledge and does not even respond to vacancies. And even more often, after numerous refusals, he is even disappointed in the academy and the IT field in general.

What has been done:

We realized that students should fully see what the selection of candidates looks like. Of course, you need to give maximum knowledge so that students can even get to the interview invitation. However, beyond that, it is very important to give the student a clear understanding:

  • market realities
  • how to make a resume correctly
  • what should be in the portfolio
  • what will happen at the interview
  • how to hold on and answer questions
  • what questions can and should be asked at the interview
  • psychological problems of IT specialists: how do they interfere with work and development
  • how to be the right employee
  • how not to lose motivation

By understanding these issues, the student gains self-confidence.

Accordingly, the student should get the maximum knowledge and receive it in portions. And also to see the interview with your own eyes. Thus, the fear of the unknown will go away and only self-confidence will remain.

What have you already achieved?:

Career support:

In order for knowledge, understanding of the market and processes not to fall out of the blue, it is necessary to give them in portions. To do this, live broadcasts were introduced in career support with a career center manager, HR, a technical specialist and a psychologist. Specialists use them to attract students to build trusting relationships, and only after that they move on to the training itself. This allows you not to overload novice specialists.

Career Month:

We have structured all the knowledge so that the student does not have to rush headlong to independently collect large amounts of information together in 2-3 days. During the month, we systematically provide information and prepare children for employment.

At the end of the training, students are introduced to MOCK interviews. There is an understanding of what awaits them, they work out their fears. At the same time, we give the best students in the course the opportunity to be interviewed in person. And not with anyone there, but with HR from a large international company Mega Dev and Team Lead.

It is thanks to the enhanced career training that our students stand out so much from other candidates.

As practice shows, there are 25% more successful job placements among our students.

What are the plans:

We want to increase the percentage of income before the end of training and the percentage of employment before graduation by 30-40%. This will provide the market of the Republic of Kazakhstan with highly qualified IT specialists and increase the confidence of potential students in learning programming and related professions.

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