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The Path to Digital Literacy

In the age of information overload, the ability to work effectively with information has become a key skill. This applies not only to the professional sphere but also to everyday life. To develop informational abilities, it’s important to master not only data-handling tools but also methods of critical thinking. I’d like to share with you some top books on this topic:

1. "The Information Diet" by Clay A. Johnson This book addresses the modern problems of information overload and offers strategies for consuming information wisely. It teaches how to filter data and choose the most valuable sources for your life and work.

2. "Digital Minimalism" by Cal Newport In this book, the author proposes an approach to technology use that allows you to remain productive and focused. Digital minimalism helps you avoid information overload and increase efficiency in the modern digital world.
Who the book is for:

- For those overwhelmed by digital technology.

- For those who want more time for face-to-face communication and hobbies.

- For those who feel drained by using gadgets.

3. "Teach Yourself to Think" by Edward de Bono Edward de Bono, the creator of the concept of "lateral thinking," helps develop the skills of unconventional thinking. This book will teach you to look at information from different angles and find new solutions in any situation.