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The Hangar scale. How to apply it to assess the viability of a startup?

The history of the Apgar scale and its creator

Virginia Apgar, an American anesthesiologist, developed the Apgar scale in 1952.

Her motivation:

  • Dissatisfaction with existing assessment methods: Before the Apgar scale, there was no unified way to quickly and accurately assess the condition of a newborn. Doctors relied on subjective observations, which led to disagreements and delays in treatment.
  • Personal experience: Apgar witnessed how newborns who seemed healthy at first glance later died due to hidden problems.

Creating a scale:

  • Five criteria: Apgar chose five simple signs that could be easily and quickly assessed: skin color, heart rate, reflexes, breathing and muscle tone.
  • Points system: Each feature is rated from 0 to 2 points, resulting in a total of 10 points.
  • Interpretation:
  • 7-10 points: The baby is healthy and does not need immediate intervention.
  • 4-6 points: The baby needs resuscitation.
  • 0-3 points: The infant is in critical condition and requires immediate intervention.


  • Widespread: The Apgar scale has quickly become the standard in obstetrics and neonatology worldwide.
  • Saving lives: Thanks to the Apgar scale, doctors can identify newborns in need of help faster and more accurately, which improved survival rates.
  • Simplicity and versatility: The Apgar scale is easy to use and does not require special equipment, which makes it accessible even in conditions with limited resources.

And now I'm actually thinking, is it possible to apply this scale to assess the viability of startups?

Although the Apgar scale was originally developed to assess the condition of newborns, its principles can be adapted to assess the viability of startups. 

Here's how the five indicators of the Apgar scale can be applied to startups: 

1. Idea (2 points): 

0 points: The idea is not new, does not solve the real problem, or does not have a large enough market potential. 

1 point: The idea has some potential, but needs to be refined and clarified.

2 points: The idea is new, solves a real problem, and has significant market potential. 

2. Team (2 points):

0 points: The team does not have the necessary skills, experience, or passion to implement the idea.

1 point: The team has some key players, but lacks experience or depth in critical areas. 

2 points: The team has all the necessary skills, experience, and passion to implement the idea. 

3. Performance (2 points): 

0 points: The startup is not showing any progress in implementing the idea.

1 point: The startup is showing some progress, but is facing obstacles and falling behind schedule. 

2 points: The startup demonstrates significant progress in the implementation of the idea and achieves its goals. 

4. Financing (2 points): 

0 points: The startup does not have funding, or it is not enough to implement the idea. 

1 point: The startup has some funding, but it is not enough to achieve long-term goals.

2 points: The startup has enough funding to implement the idea and achieve long-term goals. 

5. Market attractiveness/Value advantage (2 points):

0 points: A startup doesn't have a value advantage, and it doesn't attract customers. 

1 point: The startup has a small customer acquisition, but it faces difficulties in scaling. 

2 points: The startup has a strong market appeal, and it attracts customers quickly. 


The sum of the points for all five indicators gives an overall assessment of the viability of a startup:

0-4 points: 

The startup is in danger and requires significant changes to survive.

5-6 points: 

The startup needs some improvements, but has the potential to succeed.

7-8 points:

The startup is in a good position and has a high chance of success. 

9-10 points:

A startup has every chance to become a market leader.

It is important to note that The Apgar scale is just one of the tools that can be used to assess the viability of startups. Other factors must also be taken into account, such as the competitive environment, macroeconomic conditions, etc. 

An Apgar assessment of a startup should be carried out regularly as it develops. The Apgar scale can be a useful tool for entrepreneurs, investors and other stakeholders, allowing them to assess the viability of a startup and make informed decisions.

That's how you can use a well-known tool in medicine, namely in obstetrics, to assess the viability of startups…

The analysis of the new framework is next week.

#scale of the calendar



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