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SmartCastle, IT development in Shymkent.

SmartCastle, Shymkent!

We are proud to share our achievements and are pleased to announce that thanks to the Tech Orda Program, our SmartCastle Programming School has successfully received funding for student education under a grant.

At the moment, we have as many as 50 students who are fully covered by the grant. This is not only a great achievement for our school, but also a huge step towards the development of the IT community in Shymkent.

Our students cannot but emphasize how satisfied they are with their studies at SmartCastle. We strive to provide high-quality knowledge in three key areas: Android development, Front-end development and iOS development.

We are proud to introduce innovations into the educational process, enriching the training program with the latest trends in the world of technology. Our goal is not just to teach, but also to help students find their place in the IT field.

The Tech Orda program has really become a key partner for us in achieving these successes. We are grateful for the opportunity to cooperate and for the support they have provided to our school.

Join us at SmartCastle, where we don't just teach, but create the future of IT professionals!

#SmartCastle#TechOrda#IT Education#Shymkent

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