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Tech Orda & Terricon School is a catalyst for future IT professionals🎓🚀

Under the auspices of the Tech program.Horde from Astana Hub our IT school continues to form future leaders in the field of IT. 

We not only provide new knowledge and practice in the field of technology, but also actively participate in the educational process, passing on our experience and inspiration to students👩💻🚀

For the second year now, we have the opportunity to train future specialists in our field under the Tech Orda program. This academic year, we have successfully received 58 grants for 2 courses in mobile development on Swift and Kotlin.  

Half of the training has already passed, and we are looking forward to sharing feedback from both teachers and students in our selection below! 

Teachers about the course:

Boris Dipner, a teacher of Kotlin & Swift courses on learning: “Both Swift and Kotlin groups are with guys who strive and do - this is quite motivating to invest more in their education. Everything is quite diverse, it's great to realize that there is an opportunity to study and teach all over Kazakhstan, thanks to the Tech Orda program. Very soon, students will finish the first module - the Kotlin or Swift programming language and we will move on to the iOS and Android platforms. We go according to plan, sometimes if we are ahead of schedule, then I share my experience answering the guys' questions about my career or work.”

Andrey Pisklov, Kotlin course teacher on learning: "My students are doing a great job with the Kotlin course! Their dedication and diligence in their studies are amazing. They have already successfully mastered half of the proposed topics and continue to actively develop in language learning. I am proud of how they actively apply their knowledge in practice and I am sure that they will achieve great success in their career as Kotlin developers."

Students about the course:

Alina Berlikenova, a student of the Swift course: "At Terricon, I found the perfect combination of theory and practice in the Swift Developer for iOS course. The training system allowed me to deepen my knowledge and immediately put it into practice through a variety of tasks.The teacher showed outstanding expertise, making the material accessible and interesting. He does not just transmit information, but is always ready to help and give additional explanations. Techorda allowed me to realize my long-held dream of getting an education in IT. This was the key to my successful start in the world of Swift development, and I am grateful to Terricon and Techorda for this chance!"

Roman Neverov, a student of the Swift course: "Tech.I would like to thank Orda for the opportunity to study for free on a grant. If the Horde continues to provide such an opportunity to those who want to learn a new digital profession this year, it will be great. Training at the Terricon School IT school is going well, classes are scheduled four times a week. My teacher is Boris Dipner. Its distinctive qualities: an accessible explanation of the material on cats, on apples, on chocolates, on boxes, repetition for those who did not understand from a different angle on candy wrappers, carrots. He always asks for questions after a new topic and during practice, although not everyone uses it. I would say that Boris is an excellent teacher. He once said that he liked teaching, and I was skeptical about it, but it turned out to be true.) I think he doesn't always have enough time allocated for the lesson. Therefore, the explanation continues in practical classes. I am sure that I will write my first application. A good teacher is only half the success.You need to study not only in practical classes, but also on your own, and this time should be no less than in practical classes. I think all adult students should understand this. Training always takes a long time, you have to be ready for it."

Said Katiyev, a student of the Kotlin course: "I found out about the tuition financing program quite by accident, having stumbled upon the news in one of the telegram channels. At that time, I was working as a freelancer in the non-IT field, while simultaneously studying Android development as a hobby. I decided to see what courses are offered there, and as far as I remember, only our school offered a course on android development. I have already heard about the Terricon Valley, plus the school is located in my city. Of all the courses offered, I chose Android development.To apply, you had to take a simple test on the Tech Orda website. Shortly after that, representatives of the school contacted me and offered to take additional testing. I managed to get a grant from the first stage. Now I have been studying for almost three months. The main advantage of the school for me is learning from practicing teachers with extensive experience. They not only transfer knowledge on development, but also share their professional growth experience, helping to find the right vector of development.Another significant advantage is the training format: 4 days a week for 2 hours. This contributes to the development of discipline and allows you to effectively assimilate the material.In general, school education is consistent and structured.In conclusion, I can say that I am pleased with the choice of school."

Thanks to the initiatives and support of the state through the Astana Hub, the Tech Orda program has become a key opportunity for many students to start in IT technologies. Our school, as participants of the program, are ready to proudly share their experience and actively help to make the path of development accessible to everyone! 🌐💡

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